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1* AnticlimaxBoss: Spirit grenades will kill the Dark Lord in seconds flat, but he's still easy if you don't have any. If you completely destroy his shield before hitting him (which is laughably easy if you don't let the pieces fall on you), one of his attacks does nothing, another then takes no effort to dodge, and shooting him constantly will kill him before he can kill you with the rest.
2* BreatherBoss: Krakomedusae (the giant jellyfish), due to the fact that there's a pipe that dispenses an infinite amount of spirit stones. If you have Spirit of Peace equipped, you can easily restore both your health and mana just by sitting on it. The boss also moves in very predictable patterns, so it's not hard to avoid.
3* BreatherLevel: Climbing out of the Abyss, if you went for a GoldenEnding -- no enemies spawn, so it's a matter of making a few simple jumps. It's justified, since [[spoiler:it's the section after the Judge. Not only his death caused all the negativity in the world to vanish, but also it's throwing a bone to the player after a really challenging boss fight.]]
4* ComplacentGamingSyndrome:
5** The Spirit of Peace is ''far'' more useful than the other badges - converting grenades to HP de facto makes your health bar twice as long.
6** Defeating the boss in the mines gives you double damage, the ability to shoot underwater, and on your way there you're getting [[RecoilBoost a shotgun-powered]] DoubleJump. By comparison, defeating the boss in the Sunken City gives you the ability to breathe underwater (which at that point is more of an AntiFrustrationFeature) and a health bar extension, while the boss of the tombs gives you nothing but a MacGuffin. They can be defeated in any order, but starting with the first one makes things much easier.
7* GoddamnedBats: Literal, as well as in the form of annoying birds.
8* GoddamnedBoss: See ThatOneBoss below.
9* NightmareFuel:
10** The Dead Men.
11** [[spoiler:The Judge]], due to all the EyeScream involved in fighting [[spoiler:him]].
