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Context YMMV / AkaneIroNiSomaruSaka

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1* AdaptationDyeJob: prevented. [[spoiler: While "All age" ports and anime suggest that Junichii and Minato are not siblings, all versions retain their similarities of appearance, as if they were still close relatives.]]
2* {{Squick}}: The final 3 episodes can look pretty repulsive due to the BrotherSisterIncest ending and the fact that the other characters completely approve of their relationship. This becomes even more terrible considering[[spoiler: Minato seems to want to have sex with her brother]] and they look similar enough to each other that no one would realize that they're not blood related from appearances alone.
3* BrokenBase: The focus switch from Yuuhi to Minato for the final 3 episodes wasn't well received by some viewers with one side thinking that the Minato development with Junichi occurred too quick and made all the previous scenes with Yuuhi pointless. The other side believes that it's justified seeing as how Minatos been taking care of Junichi for awhile before Yuuhi even entered the picture.
4* HoYay: Junichi and their teacher.
5* LesYay / IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy
6** From Yuuhi to Minato: [[spoiler:"I love Junichi, but I love you as much, Minato!"]] There are two ways to look at this: The above example or in a more sisterly way.
7** Or maybe [[OT3 Yuuhi-Jun-Minato]].
8** Also Karen show some signs towards Yuuhi.
