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Context Tropers / ThreeOneThreeBluestreak

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1I'm just some guy from Detroit, MI. I watch favorite childhood shows like ''WesternAnimation/ThomasTheTankEngine'' and ''WesternAnimation/DextersLaboratory''. I'm a big fan of the ''Franchise/SonicTheHedgehog'' games which is what I've been playing since, I don't know, maybe 1999? I'm a pro wrestling fan, though I'm not so excited about it that much nowadays. I like listening to rock music, rap music, and some 80's music. And... that's all the info for you to know.
3[[folder: Tropes that I've launched]]
4* ADishonorableIndex
5* AForgivingIndex
6* APoliteIndex
7* AReluctantIndex
8* BraveryTropes
9* CantTakeCriticism
10* ComplainingIndex
11* ComplimentTropes
12* DiscordTropes
13* EnemiesEqualsGreatness
14* ExcuseOfAnIndex
15* ForgivenButNotForgotten
16* FriendshipDenial
17* TheHeroSucksSong
18* HiddenDisdainReveal
19* IndexOfApologies
20* IndexOfSolutions
21* InformedKindness
22* KindnessButton
23* LonerTurnedFriend
24* NeutralityIndex
25* NiceMeanAndInbetween
26* NoSympathyForGrudgeholders
27* NotTheirBirthday
28* OffscreenKarma
29* PragmatismTropes
30* PunishedForSympathy
31* QuirkyGood
32* RationalizingTheOverkill
33* RebukeTropes
34* ReformedButNotTamed
35* RefuseToRescueTheDisliked
36* RejectionIndex
37* ResponsibilityTropes
38* ReturnOfTheIndex
39* SelfishnessTropes
40* SelflessnessTropes
41* ShakingTheRump
42* SuicideIsShameful
43* TheseTropesAreEqual
44* ThreateningMediator
45* ThreateningTropes
46* TomboyishBaseballCap
47* TheUnapologetic
48* UsedToBeMoreSocial
49* WasTooHardOnHim
50* WellDoneDadGuy
53!!Tropes that apply to me:
54* BlackAndGrayMorality: Although I'm not too fond the whole morality propaganda, I tend to view the world come across as this. At least most of the time anyways; I find it hard to take a grasp of the "white" in others. I also tend to think it's GreyAndGrayMorality.
55* BrilliantButLazy
56* BullyHunter
57* CelibateHero: Although I'm secretly attracted to women, I have no interest for a relationship with one.
58* ChubbyChaser: I have a thing for big or chubby women.
59* CulturalRebel: I happen to be a black guy who listens to rock music. I do listen to rap, though.
60* GrumpyBear
61* IJustWantToBeNormal: I never was interested in being the hero. I'm too laid-back to be one anyways.
62* IneffectualLoner
63* MisanthropeSupreme: Most of the time anyways.
64* MrViceGuy
65* NostalgiaFilter: I really miss the [[TheNineties 90's]] and even the [[TheEighties 80's]] even if I wasn't born in the 80's.
66* TheQuietOne
67* RebelliousSpirit: Not a fan of authority in general.
68* SugarAndIcePersonality
69* TrueNeutral: My default alignment and I'll stay that way.
70* WildCard
