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Context Tropers / Monkeyheroine

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1A young female troper, new to this site, who is a fan of Kingdom Hearts, Vocaloid, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
3! Tropes that apply to Monkeyheroine
4* BerserkButton: Ignorance, sexism ,racism and being insulted for having few friends
5** Also do not ever [[MoralEventHorizon blame a rape victim]] for his/her rape, especially if the victim in question was underage. You'll be lucky if you just get away with a punch in the face.
6* KuuDere: In real life to a small degree. Im not really cold, just withdrawn. Once you get to know me Im very warm and friendly
8! Pages created by Monkeyheroine
9* VideoGame/{{Monkey Hero}}
10* WebVideo/{{SonicS}}
12! Things that Monkeyheroine likes
13* Japan and japanese culture. Also china and chinese culture.
14* Sushi, pizza, candy, spaghetti and jerk chicken. Chinese and jamaican food in general
15* KingdomHearts
16* Kpop and Jpop
17* Gackt-Sama <3
18* Anime in genral
19* InuYasha :Yeah, I actually genuinely enjoy this series, It's not nearly as bad as the HateDumb make it out to be.
20* GhostInTheShell
21* SandsOfDestruction : Both the Anime and the Videogame
22* Shinzo
23* FullMetalAlchemist
24* [[EasternRPG JRPGS ]] in general. I actually like this genre. SUre JRPGS may have fallen back on hard times this gen but they are [[SincerityMode no where near as bad and cliche ridden as people make them out to be. I actuallly like playing as the unlikely hero in colorful world.]]
25* TheLegendOfZelda
26* ApeEscape
27* MonkeyHero (heck the main reason I joined this site was to create an article for the game)
28* JakAndDaxter
29* RatchetAndClank
30* PacManWorld
31* FinalFantasy
32* SonicTheHedgehog : especially sonic CD
33* MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic
34* SailorMoon : It was my first anime and go me interested in anime in the first place
35* DragonBallZ
36* BatmanBeyond
37* BatmanTheAnimatedSeries : One my favotire cartoons of all time
41! Things that Monkeyheroine dislikes
42* Willful ignorance
43* Exessive Patriotism/ EagleLand : it's okay to like your country but jesus no need to be an obnoxious jackass and act as if your country is a land of milk and honey.
44* Victim blamers: I hate these people soo much epsecially when they blame rape ictims for being raped.
45* [[HateDom Hatedoms]]/ [[HateDumb hatedumbs]] Particularly the Twilight and Justin Bieber hatedoms. I mean geeze we get it , we know you don't like it. No need to bring it up every five minutes and act as if the work or it's creator killed your parents and burned down your house. Sheesh from the way people speak of stephanie meyer and justin bieber you'd they were [[CompleteMonster Complete Monsters]] who went around torturing and killing people for no reason.
46* [[MoralGuardian Moral Guardians]] and Self righteous people in general.
50! Vandalism!
51I vandalize your page with [[ Dubstep.]] - @/PhysicalStamina
