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Context Trivia / BlackboardJungle

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1* BannedInChina: Clare Boothe Luce, then U.S. Ambassador to Italy, prevented the film from being shown at the Venice Film Festival. Also, a Senate committee had decided that the film would not benefit contemporary youth. But both incidents only increased publicity and ticket sales for the controversial movie.
2* BreakawayPopHit: "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley and the Comets.
3* TheDanza: Creator/AnneFrancis as Anne Dadier.
4* DawsonCasting: And how? Creator/SidneyPoitier (28), Creator/VicMorrow (26), Creator/PaulMazursky (24), and several others playing high school students. Notably averted with Creator/RafaelCampos (18).
5* HypotheticalCasting:
6** Creator/{{Steve McQueen|actor}} auditioned for Artie West.
7** Creator/LouisGossettJr auditioned for Gregory Miller.
