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Context Recap / The100S05E08

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1->''"This is how we get to peace."''
3While Octavia finalizes her battle plans, Clarke makes a treacherous play to prevent war. Abby pleads for Raven's help after making a breakthrough.
5!!Tropes present in this episode:
6* ApologeticAttacker: Twice:
7** Abby is not happy about shocking Raven to prevent her from destroying the lab equipment, openly weeping as she incapacitates her.
8** Bellamy really did not want to have to poison Octavia.
9* ArmorPiercingResponse: When Bellamy tries to argue that murdering Cooper is acceptable to save hundreds of their people, Monty snaps back that the exact same thing is true for killing Octavia. Bellamy has no response to this logic.
10* BodyHorror: Kara Cooper bites it this episode in pretty brutal fashion (via parasitic worms in her body).
11* CallBack: Twice:
12** Bellamy mocks Miller by pointing out they were both part of the 100, which Miller dismisses.
13** Octavia points out that once again Bellamy is trying to save a woman he loves that committed treason. This time it's Clarke, not Echo.
14* CantKillYouStillNeedYou: Inverted. Echo realizes they HAVE to kill Shaw in order to keep the prisoners from being able to fly the ship.
15* {{Catchphrase}}: "[[IronicEcho My sister, my responsibility]]," in what is quite easily the most dramatic use of the phrase so far in the series.
16* ChekhovsGun: Two of them:
17** The nearly-lethal first batch of Monty's algae was been mentioned several times over the last two episodes before Bellamy uses it to take out Octavia.
18** The BFG used by the miners comes back. Turns out it's actually a mining tool designed to use sound waves to pulverize rock. Vinson comes up with the idea to modify it to help dissolve the abscesses in the prisoners' lungs.
19* ColdBloodedTorture: The prisoners begin to take turns using the shock collar on Shaw.
20* TheDeadHaveNames: Subverted. Kane thinks that the list of names in Diyoza's journal is this. However, it's actually far less morbid.
21* DescentIntoAddiction: This episode marks the lowest point thus far in Abby's addiction, as she is willing to lie to Raven and then torture her with the shock collar so that she will help her in order to continue receiving pills.
22* EnemyMine: Murphy and Emori align with Mccreary after Diyoza abandons him. Complete with TrojanPrisoner ploy.
23* EurekaMoment: Vinson gets a toned town one when he realizes they can modify the mining equipment to treat the prisoners.
24* FreezeFrameBonus: The list of names in Diyoza's journal. They are the first names of the female writers and writers' assistants on the show. FridgeBrilliance reveals they are not the list of the people that Diyoza has killed, as they are only women's names. Her reveal of her baby's gender makes it clear. They are potential baby names.
25* GargleBlaster: When Monty is trying to reason with Cooper that with the Algae they can make protein and biofuel and beer, he admits that the beer would taste awful, but nobody would care because it would get them drunk.
26* GenreSavvy: Octavia immediately sees through the attempt to frame Cooper's death as an accident.
27* HopeSpot: Kane and Diyoza discuss his dream to build a community in the Shallow Valley, complete with a school and a medical center. It moves Diyoza enough that she reveals her pregnancy.
28* IChooseToStay: Monty and Harper make a plan to stay in the bunker and work the new combination of Hydropoics and Algae Farm and avoid the violence of the coming war.
29* ImpliedDeathThreat: Again from Octavia to Bellamy, when she warns Bellamy that, if he interferes in Clarke's arrest, she might think he was involved. And then they would have enough prisoners for a fight in the pit.
30* IncurableCoughOfDeath: The virus killing the prisoners is beginning to take on this characteristic.
31* InLoveWithYourCarnage: Emori admits to John that she "has a desire to rip [his] clothes off" when he is in survivor-mode in the woods, and that ''this'' is the John Murphy she fell in the love with. Subverted in that Emori knows it's not healthy and that it won't last and she tells him they can't be together when it's all over.
32* InstantSedation: Bellamy uses the soaked rag variety on Cooper. Later he uses a protein bar dosed with Monty's poison Algae to drug Octavia as well.
33* InternalReveal: A few:
34** Diyoza reveals her pregnancy to Kane.
35** Raven discovers Abby's addiction.
36* KillTheOnesYouLove: Although it is unlikely to be fatal, Bellamy chooses to poison Octavia to postpone Clarke's execution and navigate peace on his own without her getting in the way.
37* MakeItLookLikeAnAccident: Clarke and Bellamy plan to stage Cooper's death as [[BodyHorror accident by worm]], with Indra as the first responder who kills the worms instead. Unfortunately, Octavia sees right through this.
38* MamaBear: Bellamy actually refers to Clarke as one when discussing the lengths she would go to protect Madi.
39* NotSoDifferentRemark: Kane makes the point that Diyoza and Octavia are becoming more alike in their ruthlessness.
40* OhCrap: Three:
41** Dioyza's reaction when [=McCreary=] returns, given that she had told Murphy she wouldn't do a prisoner swap for him.
42** Indra when Octavia reveals she wasn't going to use the worms for a weapon, but their eggs.
43** Octavia when she realizes Bellamy poisoned the protein bar.
44* PrisonerExchange: Murphy and Emori attempt to swap [=McCreary=] for Raven, but it doesn't work because, as it turns out, Dioyzo doesn't really care if he comes back alive or not.
45* ReactionShot: The camera lingers on Bellamy for a full 8 seconds after Octavia implies that he loves Clarke.
46* TheReveal:
47** Vinson is a serial killer.
48** Octavia wants to use the worms' eggs, not the worms themselves.
49* ShipTease: Octavia taunts Bellamy after she arrests Clarke, referring to the latter as "the traitor who you love." Whether or not she means [[LoveConfessor romantically]] or platonically is left up in the air.
50* SlasherSmile: Octavia gives a subtle one when she declares that "The War is here."
51* SureLetsGoWithThat: A nonverbal example. When Raven deduces that Diyoza is threatening to hurt Abby to force her cooperation, Abby gives a meek not. In actuality, if the prisoners die, Abby will lose access to the drugs that feed her addiction, and Diyoza has never once threatened to hurt her.
52* TitleDrop: Once by Diyoza and once by Clarke.
53* TrappedWithMonsterPlot: How Bellamy and Clarke murder Cooper. They sedate her, dress her in a radiation suit, and lock in the bio lab with the sand worms, with a strategic hole cut in the hand of the suit for the worms to enter through.
