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Context Recap / Legions2E9Chapter17

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1Inner demons take control.
3!! Tropes
5* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu / EnemiesWithDeath: Not literally, but Kerry does shrug off Cary's concerns about her future after he's gone by promising to stab Death when he comes for him.
6* TheBusCameBack: The World's Angriest Boy in the World makes a cameo after being absent almost all season.
7* BrokenBird: Melanie, as a result of losing Oliver a second time and nobody noticing how its taking a toll on her emotional wellbeing.
8* LipstickLesbian: "New" Janine, who hooks up with Lenny.
9* TheMole: Melanie becomes Farouk's in Division 3.
10* ThePlan: David implanted part of his plan in Cary's mind
11* SanitySlippage: The first part of the episode is devoted to Melanie's and doubles as HowWeGotHere to the moment she attacks Clarke after becoming a pawn of the Shadow King.
12* SharingABody: Lenny and Amy...maybe
13* StonersAreFunny: Lenny's friends.
