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7Tropes mostly dealing directly with our planet Earth.
9Compare TheGroundBeneathOurFeet, {{Heliotropes}}, IndexOnTheMoon, StellarIndex, OtherworldTropes.
14* AllPlanetsAreEarthLike: The plot-relevant planet conveniently supports life.
15* CounterEarth: A hypothetical planet on the other side of the Sun from the Earth which is usually like the Earth, but hidden.
16* EarthAllAlong: Turns out that ruined planet you were on was actually Earth itself.
17* EarthDrift: A setting becomes less similar to real life Earth than it was at the start.
18* EarthIsABattlefield: The whole Earth is used for battle.
19* EarthIsTheCenterOfTheUniverse: A lot of cosmically significant events or other unusual activity happening on Earth.
20* EarthIsYoung: Present-day Earth turns out to be young on a cosmic scale.
21* EarthShatteringKaboom: An entire planet explodes.
22* EarthShatteringPoster: The stock image version of EarthShatteringKaboom.
23* EarthThatUsedToBeBetter: Earth used to be well-regarded, but it is now seen as lesser by those who have left it.
24* EarthThatWas: Earth is no more.
25* FictionalEarth: Same name, mass, Sun, Moon, etc., but a completely different world.
26* FlatWorld: The world has no horizon due to it being flat.
27* GenesisEffect: The creation of an entire planet.
28* GotTheWholeWorldInMyHand: Symbol of a hand grasping at the globe.
29* HellOnEarth: Demons invade the world and transform it into a hellish wasteland.
30* HemisphereBias: Any shot of a spacecraft or other object orbiting or approaching the Earth will only show the side of the planet where the target audience of the production lives.
31* HollowWorld: The world is a hollow shell, and something lives in it.
32* HomeworldEvacuation: Someone's homeworld becoming inhabitable, forcing the populace to leave.
33* InsignificantLittleBluePlanet: Earth depicted as boring and/or useless.
34* MarsNeedsWater: Mars is dry up.
35* MarsNeedsWomen: Non-human males think human females are hot.
36* NotOfThisEarth: Evidence is discovered that suggests we're not alone in the universe
37* OneWorldOrder: A planet or species answers to a single government.
38* PlanetTerra: Earth being called Terra in science fiction stories.
39* PunyEarthlings: Compared to other sentient species, humans suck.
40* VichyEarth: Alien invaders rule humanity before or instead of exterminating us.
41* TheWarOfEarthlyAggression: Off-world colonies declare independence from the mother planet.
42* JustForFun/WhyYouShouldDestroyThePlanetEarth: A fun, lighthearted page describing the myriad reasons characters may want to eliminate Earth.
