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Context Heartwarming / TormentTidesOfNumenera

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1* One of the first people you meet in Sagus is a little boy named Jherem. If you make a persuasion check, you discover that [[spoiler: he's from a place called "The Downs", a former district that is ''centuries'' [[FishOutOfTemporalWater in the past]], and that his biological parents had sent him through a portal in the hopes of him having a better life.]] Talking to his nearby parents, Paja and Kellenor, shows that [[spoiler: they adopted him due to being unable to have a child of their own, and they'd come to the market [[HappilyAdopted simply because he liked playing there]]]].
2-->'''Jherem''': [''He pauses, rubbing at the sudden moisture in his eyes''] I try to laugh a lot so they can hear me, though.
3* Getting to know the inhabitants of "The Fifth Eye" reveals that they're FireForgedFriends, and quite happy to banter amongst themselves.
4* Talking to Rhin yields this little gem.
5-->'''Rhin''': Before I met you, I asked Ahl if he could bring someone to help me. I know. It's embarrassing. He's not the right sort of god for that. But then you came. And you're even better than anything a god would bring me.
6** [[spoiler: If you sent Rhin home, and have her return as an adult and ask her about the companions you have with you, it's nothing but Rhin telling them that meeting them helped her become that much better of a person. All of your companions are humbled, and proud of their little girl.]]
7* One of the options for the game's final decision? [[spoiler: Allow Miika - the daughter of the Changing God and the entire reason he started researching the Tides - to control your body after the merger, giving her the chance at life that she'd been denied for so long, while also fulfilling her father's most ardent wish prior to his ImmortalityImmorality kicking in]].
8* In the Floral Merecaster, you enter the mind of a mutant in Oasis whose community is about to suffer from a terrible pogrom at the hands of violent [[FantasticRacism human supremacists]]. Most of your choices are going to end very badly and can even result in the destruction of your whole community, but there is one somewhat obscure ending in which you survive. [[spoiler: When the supremacists show up, you have the option to tell everyone to take their beating in stride while keeping each other strong by singing. The big turn-around that makes this so satisfying comes when you tell your fellow mutants that you shouldn't feel sorry for yourselves, but ''for your attackers'', since [[RousseauWasRight they are clearly the ones who are in pain]]. When they finally leave, the game even notes that they [[ShamingTheMob ''almost'' feel disgusted with themselves]].]]
