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2[[caption-width-right:200:[-{{Pimped Out Dress}}es [[ like this]] are actually just as common in [[RealLife history]] as fiction.-] ]]
4Hin und wieder findet man etwas in den Medien, dass so auch [[De/ImWahrenLeben Im wahren Leben]] passiert. (Keine Sorge, das hält nicht lange an und schon bald sind sie wieder bei ihren [[De/StrictlyFormula alten Gewohnheiten]]). Selten greifen auch andere Shows dies auf und man erhält eine wiederkehrende Trope, die sich auch im wahren Leben findet.
6Die dunkle Seite dieser Trope ist [[De/AusDenSchlagzeilenGeklaut Aus den Schlagzeilen geklaut]].
8Das direkte Gegenteil ist [[De/UnrealistischeRealitaet Unrealistische Realität]]. Leute fallen darauf hinein, denn [[De/DieMedienLuegenNicht Die Medien lügen nicht]].
10Die verzerrten Nachkommen dieser Trope sind [[De/InspiriertDurch Inspiriert durch]] und [[De/BasiertLoseAufEinerWahrenGeschichte Basiert lose auf einer wahren Geschichte]].
12Die folgenden Tropen unterteilen sich in zwei Kategorien: Solche, die nur unter bestimmten Umständen im wahren Leben auftauchen und solche, die dort häufiger auftauchen.
18* De/AberIchSpieleEinenImFernsehen (ButIPlayOneOnTV)
19* De/AberWirHabenVerhuetet (ButWeUsedACondom): Zwar ist Verhütungung ein gutes Mittel gegen ungewollte Krankheiten und Schwangerschaften, allerdings kann man durch Verhütung auch nicht alles verhindern.
20* [[De/ABNegativ AB-]] (ABNegative) ist tatsächlich eine der seltensten Blutgruppen ( [[ es gibt aber seltenere]]), nur zwischen 0,2% und 1% in jeder Population haben sie.
21* De/AbsurdGeraeumigeKanalisation (AbsurdlySpaciousSewer): Frankreich hat eine ganze Untergrundgesellschaft dank der großen Katakomben und Kanalisationen. Dort unten gibt es illegale Geschäfte und ganze Theater.
22* De/AbsurdMaechtigeStudentenvereinigung (AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil): Öffentliche Universitäten in Mexiko haben oft eine absurd mächtige Studentenvereinigung, die ihren Verbindungen alle Arten von verdächtigen Gefälligkeiten erweisen.
23* De/AcmeProdukte (AcmeProducts): Acme war einmal ein ziemlich gewöhnlicher Name für Firmen, da er weit oben im Telefonbuch auftaucht und zudem "das Beste" bedeutet.
24* De/ActionMom
25* De/AkrophobischerVogel (AcrophobicBird): Es gibt Vögel, die nicht fliegen aber schnell laufen können (Sträuße, Nandus, Emus), Vögel, die zwar fliegen können, deren Reichweite aber beschränkt ist und es darum vorziehen, zu laufen (Hühner, Roadrunner) und Vögel, die zwar gut fliegen können, sich aber abhängig von der Situation entscheiden, ob sie fliegen oder laufen (wilde Truthähne, Fasane.)
26* De/AllesTeilDerShow (AllPartOfTheShow)
27* De/AlleVerbrechenSindGleich (AllCrimesAreEqual)
28* De/AlptraumTreibstoff: Locked-In-Syndrom. Globale Erwärmung. Atomkrieg. Lepra. Jack the Ripper. ''Die Goblins werden dich kriegen, also gib ja... fein... ACHT!''
29* De/AlternativerKalender (AlternativeCalendar)
30* De/AltersgerechteDepression (AgeAppropriateAngst)
31* De/DasAndereLinks (YourOtherLeft): Viel zu oft. Zum Leidwesen all derer, die über's Handy eine Wegbeschreibung übermitteln müssen.
32* De/AnDieDeckeKlopfen (CeilingBanger): Welcher Apartment-Bewohner hatte es noch nie mit lauten Nachbarn zu tun?
33* De/AngstVorNadeln (AfraidOfNeedles): Belonephobie.
34* De/AnstandsHandtuch (ModestyTowel): Force of habit and shyness will often lead to this being used even when there is no reason for it.
35* De/DasArmeAuto (ThatPoorCar)
36* De/ArrangierteEhe (ArrangedMarriage)
37* De/{{Aufmerksamkeitsnutte}} (AttentionWhore)
38* De/{{Bankfurt}}: Mainhattan selbst natürlich, aber auch New York, London, Tokyo, Mailand, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapur, Moskau, Chicago, Toronto, San Francisco...
39* De/BistDuMeineMami ([[FamilyRelationshipSwitcheroo Are You My Mummy]])
40* De/DerBlaubart (TheBluebeard)
41* De/BoeseGegenBoese (EvilVersusEvil): Power-hungry dictators (the closest RealLife equivalent of evil) often fight each other in their selfish quest for power. Case in point: [[UsefulNotes/WorldWarII Hitler and Stalin.]]
42* De/BoeserBoss (BadBoss)
43* De/BoeserOnkel (EvilUncle): the laws of primogeniture, where the deceased's son gets estates ahead of the deceased's younger brother, sometimes provoked younger brothers into this sort of thing.
44* De/DieBrautDieAbhaut (RunawayBride)
45* De/BritischeSteifheit (BritishStuffiness): (see NationalStereotypes) Brits are more private and reserved than Americans, but it does not [[LonersAreFreaks always derive from arrogance]].
46* De/ChewbaccaVerteidigung (ChewbaccaDefense): If the defense does ''not make sense'', you must acquit.
47* De/DerClan (TheClan): It was once much more common than it is now.
48* De/CoolAberIneffizient (CoolButInefficient): Several armies have used awesome but inefficient weapons to lay fear on enemy lines.
49* De/CoolerStuhl (CoolChair): Thrones. Duh.
50** Someone based a 15K chair off of the one Blofeld had. It's awesome, to say the least.
51* De/DasIstKeineUebung (ThisIsNotADrill)
52* De/DasWollteIchImmerSchonMalSagen (IAlwaysWantedToSayThat): You know you've done it.
53* De/DenDrachenSchikanieren (BullyingADragon)
54* De/DurchErfahrungGelernt (TaughtByExperience): You know that your mistakes have left a mark on you, probably a scar.
55* De/EhreVorVernunft (HonorBeforeReason): Uncommon, but not nonexistant.
56* De/EigentlichWaereIchJetztTot (NormallyIWouldBeDeadNow)
57* De/EinDrinkWirdDasBabyUmbringen (OneDrinkWillKillTheBaby): Da sind viele zum Glück vorsichtig.
58* De/EinMannArmee (OneManArmy): Simo Häyhä, um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen.
59* De/EinzelgaengerSindFreaks: People often wrongly jump to this conclusion when dealing with loners in real life.
60* De/ErnsteAngelegenheit: We don't know where to ''begin'' with this one.)
61* De/ErWeissZuviel (HeKnowsTooMuch): Der Grund, warum es auch im deutschsprachigen Raum Zeugenschutzprogramme gibt.
62* De/ExplosivesUebertakten (ExplosiveOverclocking): Im Angedenken an die vielen [=CPUs=] und Grafikkarten, die beim Versuch, sich durch Übertakten stärkere Hardware selbst zu machen, fritiert wurden.
63* De/FamilienAngelegenheit (FamilyBusiness)
64* De/{{Familienfehde}} (FeudingFamilies)
65* De/{{Fangirl}} (FanGirl): Kennt man spätestens, seit [[De/ElvisPresley Elvis]] mit der Army nach Deutschland kam.
66* De/FliegenderFlugzeugtraeger (AirborneAircraftCarrier): Konzepte wie Stratolaunch, wo ein weltraumtaugliches Flugzeug von einem anderen Flugzeug aus gestartet wird, sind der Anfang. Nur mit dem Landen auf Fluggeräten klappt es noch nicht.
67* De/FluchtPerLueftungsschacht ([[AirVentPassageway Air Vent Escape]]): Frank Morris und die Anglin-Brüder flohen so aus Alcatraz. Aber, wie von den Series/{{Mythbusters}} gezeigt, benötigt dies sehr spezifische Umstände um zu funktionieren.
68* De/FreizeitparkDesGrauens (AmusementParkOfDoom): [[ Action Park]] war näher dran, als einem lieb wäre.
69* De/FreudscheFehlleistung (FreudianSlip): Ist euch auch schon passiert, gebt es ruhig zu.
70* De/FreundOderFeind (FriendOrFoe)
71* De/GefaengnisAusPappe (CardboardPrison): Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, a Mexican drug lord, managed to escape a maximum security prison with very little effort. This was mostly because he bribed the staff, with seventy-eight people allegedly involved overall.
72** Greek criminal and alleged "modern Robin Hood" Vasilis Paleokostas escaped from a Greek high security prison by means of a helicopter. Twice.
73* De/GeheimnisvollesFleisch (MysteryMeat)
74* De/GroesserIstBesser (BiggerIsBetter)
75* De/GrosserWeisserJaeger (GreatWhiteHunter): Jim Corbett was a naturalist and conservationist who hunted big cats that had turned man-eater.
76* De/HabIchDasGeradeLautGesagt (DidIJustSayThatOutLoud): Jede Menge Beispiele nicht nur in Filmen, sondern auch ImWahrenLeben, z. B. in der Politik.
77* De/HaesslicherTypHeisseFrau (UglyGuyHotWife)
78** Note: Being funny and unique will not get you chicks... until you turn 25.
79* De/DerHauptmann (TheCaptain)
80* De/HelikopterEltern (HelicopterParents): Die Medien berichten immer wieder davon, angefangen beim Versuch, den Nachwuchs künstlich zu multitalentierten Wunderkindern aufzublasen, über etliche Überwachungs-Apps für die Smartphones der Kinder bis hin zu Straßen vor Schulen, die jeden Morgen von dutzendweise schweren [=SUVs=] blockiert werden, weil alle ihre Kinder direkt vorm Schultor absetzen wollen. Wer jung genug ist, kennt sicherlich auch selbst jemanden, der sie hat.
81* De/HinterDemKrankenwagenHerjagen (AmbulanceChaser) Oder keine Übersetzung. In Deutschland illegal, daher schwer zu übersetzen
82* De/HochzeitAufSpeed (AltarTheSpeed)
83* De/IchBinEinGott (AGodAmI)
84* De/IchKannKungFu (SuddenlyAlwaysKnewThat)
85* De/DerIllegale (TheIllegal)
86* De/ImAuftragDesHerrn (MissionFromGod): From Joan of Arc to Osama bin Laden, religion has been a powerful motivator.
87* De/InkompetenzAG (IncompetenceInc)
88* De/JaErLebtNoch (OfCorpseHesAlive): Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang
89* De/DerJarJar: Bill collectors are one of the most hated professions out there largely in part due to their (justified) very bad reputation.
90** Also, lawyers and estate agents.
91* De/JederKannSterben (AnyoneCanDie)
92* De/JiddischAlsZweitsprache (YiddishAsASecondLanguage): Seid ihr Schmocks total meschugge, oder braucht ihr wirklich eine Erklärung?
93* De/JokerJury (JokerJury)
94* De/KaninchenGenanntSmeerp (CallASmeerpARabbit): Amerikanische Büffel und Koala-Bären.
95* De/KeinAber (ConjunctionInterruption): Wetten dass auch dein Vater das benutzt hat?
96* De/KeinDosenoeffner (NoCanOpener): Can openers weren't even ''invented'' until several decades after tin cans.
97* De/{{Kiai}} ({{Kiai}}): See CallingYourAttacks above.
98* De/KillerKaninchen (KillerRabbit): A great many animals are meaner, sharper, or more poisonous than they look. This is why you don't play with wild animals. Don't believe us? Try to cuddle a panda. [[DontTryThisAtHome On second thought, don't.]]
99* De/KinderFragenDauernd (ConstantlyCurious)
100* De/{{Kindersoldaten}} (ChildSoldiers): Children in many third-world countries like Uganda, Sierra Leone, Congo, Somalia, etc.
101* Alles, was mit "De/{{Kintopp}}" anfängt. Entweder hat Kintopp Versuche De/ImWahrenLeben inspiriert, oder umgekehrt, so unrealistisch oder überzogen, wie es scheint, ist Kintopp von realen Beispielen inspiriert. De/KintoppWissenschaft (HollywoodScience)? Spätestens seit CRISPR ist reale Gentechnik von der im Kintopp nicht mehr weit entfernt. De/KintoppAtheist (HollywoodAtheist)? Charles Darwin wäre nach dem Tod seiner Tocher fast einer geworden.
102* De/{{Kotzbrocken}}: Who hasn't met at least one in real life?
103* De/KorrupteKirche (CorruptChurch)
104* De/KrankSpielen (PlayingSick)
105* De/DerKredithai (AllDevouringBlackHoleLoanSharks)
106* De/DieKroenung (AwesomeMomentOfCrowning): Many memorable moments in history qualify as these for somebody: check the page.
107* De/KuenstlicheGliedmassen (ArtificialLimbs)
108* De/LebendigBegraben (BuriedAlive)
109* De/LetzteWorte (LastWords)
110* De/LiebeTutWeh (LoveHurts): A list of personal examples would likely be the largest and most soul-crushing page on the Wiki. On the ''Internet''.
111* De/LuxusZelle (LuxuryPrisonSuite): As noted, the Hotel Escobar.
112* De/DieMafia (TheMafia)
113* De/{{Mauerbluemchen}} (ShrinkingViolet)
114* [[De/MeinAutoHasstMich Mein Auto hasst mich]] (MyCarHatesMe): Andernfalls bräuchten wir ja keine Abschleppwagen.
115* De/MeinPapaIstStaerkerAlsDeiner (MyDadCanBeatUpYourDad): Because he totally can, and you know it.
116* De/MissbrauchendeEltern (AbusiveParents): Leider.
117* De/{{Monsterclown}} (MonsterClown): [[ Coulrophobia]].
118* De/{{Moralhueter}} (MoralGuardians): ''{{WesternAnimation/Futurama}}'' parodied PETA's practice of trying to get "liberated" carnivores to live on a vegetarian diet. These people also make a handy StrawmanPolitical for people who have a beef with some aspect of censorship.
119* De/NeinDuLegstAuf (NoYouHangUpFirst)
120* De/NichtAllesGoldWasGlaenzt (AllThatGlitters)
121* De/NichtWitzig (DudeNotFunny): Real life is SeriousBusiness.
122* De/NiemandTrinktZielwasser (ATeamFiring): Zuviel Blei in der Luft bringt viele Leute dazu zurückzuschießen, ohne sich ausreichend Zeit zum Zielen zu lassen.
123* De/{{Oberzicke}} (AlphaBitch): The stuck-up popular kid who won't invite you to parties unless you're "cool" enough... there's one in every crowd.
124* De/DasPasswortIstImmerSchwertfisch (ThePasswordIsAlwaysSwordfish): [[ "123456", "password" usw.]] Nicht umsonst ein Riesenaufreger für Sicherheitsexperten und Auslöser für große, folgenschwere "Hacks".
125* De/PeinlicherMittelname (EmbarrassingMiddleName) - There's no shortage of people who dislike their middle name. This might be part of why a FullNameUltimatum is so effective.
126* De/PfefferNieser (PepperSneeze)
127* De/{{Pfeilregen}} (RainOfArrows): Eine Schlüsselstrategie der Engländer während des Hundertjährigen Krieges.
128* De/PiepsendeComputer (BeepingComputers): Windows Vista's UAC, and to a lesser degree, Ubuntu Linux's ''gksu''. Also, a few laptops do this to let you know your battery's almost dead.
129* De/{{Pornosammlung}} (PornStash): You know what you're hiding deep within your closet, drawer, or hard drive...
130* De/{{Raubmordkopierer}} (DigitalPiracyIsEvil): Beispielsweise ging SNK daran 2001 pleite.
131* De/RekrutierterGefangener (BoxedCrook)
132* De/RiechtNachBittermandeln (BitterAlmonds): To a point; that really is what cyanide smells like, to those that have the gene for sensitivity. To the rest, it's odorless.
133* De/SanfterRiese (GentleGiant): Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, a Hawaiian singer famous after his hit "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". André the Giant. A great many others, many of whom probably edit this wiki.
134* De/ScheissAufHoeflichkeitIchBinRentner! (ScrewPolitenessImASenior)
135* De/ScheissAufRegelnIchHabGeld! (ScrewTheRulesIHaveMoney): Because only the richest can [[BribingYourWayToVictory bribe their way to victory]].
136* De/ScheissAufRegelnIchHabVerbindungen! (ScrewTheRulesIHaveConnections): In Deutschland auch "Filz" genannt.
137* De/ScheissAufRegelnIchMacheSie! (ScrewTheRulesIMakeThem)
138* De/EinSchicksalSchlimmerAlsDerTod (FateWorseThanDeath)
139* De/SchwereKindheit: Wird ständig vor Gericht aufgeführt.
140** MommyIssues
141* De/SelbstmordAnschlag (SuicideAttack)
142* De/DieSeuche (ThePlague): [[ Der Schwarze Tod]]. Nicht zuletzt die De/COVID19Pandemie.
143* De/DieSorgenErtraenken (DrowningMySorrows): Funktioniert nicht, was aber viele nicht daran hindert, es zu versuchen.
144* De/SpontanerNarzissmus (AcquiredSituationalNarcissism)
145* De/SterbendeStadt (DyingTown): Mittlerweile extrem häufig in Europa und den USA.
146* De/{{Tiergefaehrdungsverein}} (AnimalWrongsGroup)
147* De/ToteKuenstlerSindBesser (DeadArtistsAreBetter): ''Still Life: Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers'', a picture by Vincent van Gogh, was never bought when he was alive. In 1987, almost 100 years after his death, that same picture was bought for $39,921,750 dollars in an auction at Christie's.
148* De/TrauernderAntagonist (AntagonistInMourning)
149* De/TraumInEinemTraum (DreamWithinADream): Überschneidet sich gern mit De/AllesNurEinTraum (AllJustADream).
150* De/UndDerSiegerIst (AssumedWin): Besonders wahr für denjenigen, der aufgestanden ist.
151* De/UndNeunundneunzigCent (AndNinetyNineCents): Man gehe einfach mal in irgendeinen deutschen Supermarkt und sehe sich die Preisschilder an.
152* De/UngewoehnlicheMunition (AbnormalAmmo): Tracer rounds, Dum-Dums/Hohlmunition und Dragon's Breath (quasi eine Shotgun als Flammenwerfer).
153* De/UnglaublichPeinlicheEltern (AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents)
154* De/UnmoralischerAnwalt (AmoralAttorney)
155* De/UtopiaHeiligtDieMittel (UtopiaJustifiesTheMeans): Hitler, Mao, Robespierre, Pol Pot...
156* De/VeralteterMentor (ObsoleteMentor)
157* De/VerboteneFrucht (ForbiddenFruit)
158* De/VerbrenntDieHexe (BurnTheWitch)
159* De/VerlassenesLagerhaus (AbandonedWarehouse): Ein paar davon finden sich in jeder größeren Stadt. Im Prinzip die Lebensgrundlage der Berliner Clubkultur in der Techno-Ära.
160* De/VerlorenerEhering (LostWeddingRing)
161* De/VerpatzteAnalogie (AnalogyBackfire)
162* De/VerstehtSarkasmusNicht (DoesNotUnderstandSarcasm): Especially among people with Asperger's or high-functioning autism. Also, pretty much anyone on the internet.
163* De/VieleKoecheVerderbenDenBrei (TooManyCooksSpoilTheSoup)
164* De/VonIdiotenUmgeben (SurroundedByIdiots): Everyone who's ever had a day job can attest to this. Or been in Public High School.
165* De/WirVerkaufenAlles (WeSellEverything): Mit solchen Riesenmärkten wie Marktkauf oder Real geht es allerdings langsam zu Ende.
166* De/{{Wolfskind}} (WildChild): There's a few examples: Kaspar Hauser, Genie, and a feral French boy. None of them ended up that well off.
167* De/WuerdestDuVonEinerBrueckeSpringen (JumpOffABridgeRebuttal): Used by your dads and my dads.
168* De/YaoiFangirl (YaoiFangirl): You know who you are.
169* De/YuriFan (YuriFan): You know who you are too!
170* De/ZuDummZumLeben: Und genau dafür existieren die Darwin Awards.
171* De/ZungeAmFlaggenmast (TongueOnTheFlagpole)
172* De/{{Zuschauereffekt}} (BystanderSyndrome): Most notably the case of Kitty Genovese.
175!!Noch zu übersetzen:
177* AirHugging
178* AlienArtsAreAppreciated
179* ArbitrarySkepticism
180* AxCrazy: To the great dismay of many.
181* AxesAtSchool: Leider.
182* BadassBoast: Samurais in feudal Japan started their duels by telling their own and their ancestors' achievements.
183* MediaNotes/BatteriesNotIncluded: Children's toys eat batteries the way kids eat candy after Halloween.
184* BavarianFireDrill
185* BedouinRescueService: Real Bedouins have a code of honour that mandates this.
186* BerserkButton: Just about everybody has one. Some of us don't know it or try to keep it locked down.
187* BreakTheCutie: Very common and often very tragic.
188* BuryMeNotOnTheLonePrairie: Anyone who asks to be buried [[RecycledInSpace In Space]], for instance. Ask Creator/GeneRoddenberry!
189* BusmansHoliday: Carpenters spend their time off fixing the house, IT staff spend their time at home on a PC, and bus drivers travel by bus.
190** Not to mention pilots and flight attendants do hitch rides on their airlines, obviously.
191* CallingYourAttacks: Martial arts practitioners believe that expressing certain phrases or vocalization help build up ''chi'' or ensure proper breathing
192* ColdCash: To the point that many burglars make a point of checking the freezer for stashed valuables.
193* ColdTurkeysAreEverywhere: What you'll suffer the day you'll fail to pay the power bill, causing the power company to leave you unplugged for 3 working days with no access to TV Tropes.
194* ComedicSociopathy
195* CongruentMemory: Can you say the entire alphabet ''out of alphabetical order''? And some people need the song...
196* ConvictedByPublicOpinion
197* CorruptCorporateExecutive
198* CouldSayItBut
199* CrazyPrepared
200* CrystalSpiresAndTogas: Pick any high-rise development from 1990 and after. Especially [[ Santa Fe, Mexico City]], [[ Puerta de Hierro, Guadalajara, Mexico]], and [[ Dubai, UAE]].
201* CutenessProximity
202* DecadeDissonance: Compare Hong Kong to the Guangdong province just over the border, or downtown Rio de Janeiro to its slums.
203** Hell, compare ANY inner city to the gleaming, tourist-laden areas.
204* DelegationRelay
205* DeniedFoodAsPunishment
206* DepravedHomosexual: Jeffrey Dahmer, among others.
207* DiagonalCut: Real-life iaido practitioners actually cut up inanimate objects for practice, in exactly this fashion.
208** Broadcast/"open mike" variant. One of the most well-known examples was by none other than U. S. President George W. Bush, who referred to a New York Times reporter as, and I quote, "A major league asshole" during the 2000 presidential campaign.
209** Ronald Reagan during a sound check that was accidentally being broadcast: "My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
210* DodgeByBraking Some planes really can do that.
211* DoIReallySoundLikeThat
212* DoItYourselfPlumbingProject
213* DoomsdayDevice
214* DoorstopBaby
215* DudeWheresMyRespect: Honestly, who hasn't experienced this in their lifetime?
216* DudeWheresMyReward: Ditto.
217* DungeonmastersGirlfriend
218* ElectricInstantGratification (accidentally invented)
219* EmergencyServices
220* EmergencyWeapon: Every half-decent army gives its soldiers at least knives for backup, and even the ones that don't still equip their soldiers with hands.
221* EmptyCopThreat: Even if the cops can't ''actually'' charge the suspect with obstruction of justice, they can still ''threaten'' to do it - and some cops do.
222* EvilPowerVacuum: Anytime a dictator or a really powerful dude is deposed. Colombia, for example, sank in a chaos of guerrillas and rival crime lords after Pablo Escobar got killed.
223** This is also why Hitler was able to rise to power: Germany was a power vacuum as a result of UsefulNotes/WorldWarI.
224* ExtremeGraphicalRepresentation: [[ LainOS]] is a [=FreeBSD=]-based operating system whose goal is to recreate the extreme graphical pizazz of the computers from ''Anime/SerialExperimentsLain''.
225** [[ Compiz]] is a window manager presently included with many Linux distributions. If you want, you can overload it with plugins so that your windows wobble like Jello when they move, your desktop is on the surface of a cube (with sharks inside), windows shuffle and dodge around one another when you switch between them, inactive windows go translucent and gain a mirror sheen, and a trail of fire follows your mouse around. [[ Here are some videos of it.]]
226* FatalFlaw: All humans have one (or more).
227* FencePainting: Arranged by recruiters for militaries, fraternities, and sororities.
228* FiringInTheAirALot: There are several real-life cases of people getting killed by it. [[Series/{{Mythbusters}} Myth Busted, Confirmed and Plausible]].
229* ForceFeeding
230* ForeignQueasine
231* ForeignSoundingGibberish: Known in business as "[[ foreign branding]]", and in everyday life as "Häagen-Dazs".
232* FreezeSneeze
233* FullNameUltimatum: My mom's done it, so has yours. Sadly, people rarely use it ''on'' their parents.
234* FunSize: Kittens, puppies, and the like. It wouldn't work in art if it didn't work in life.
235* FutureImperfect: Often due to HollywoodHistory, since TVNeverLies.
236* GameOfNerds: America's "pasttime" is popular among the genius set, what with its love of statistics and all.
237* GeorgeJetsonJobSecurity: Oklahoma, Indiana and an increasing number of other states now have fire-at-will laws which allow employers to fire employees without explanation or advance notice, except as mandated by federal laws.
238* GiantPoofySleeves: From the "leg of mutton" sleeves of the 19th century.
239* GirlOnGirlIsHot
240* GoingPostal
241* GrumpyOldMan
242* GuideDangIt: Learning a foreign language. Oh my God.
243* HandicappedBadass: [[ This guy]], for one.
244* HolierThanThou: We've all met or heard of someone who was a total jerk or hypocrite about religion. This is true for both theistic and atheistic beliefs.
245* HotForStudent
246* HumanPopsicle: Cryonics companies such as [[ Alcor]] and the [[ Cryonics Institute]] offer to preserve your [[PeopleJars whole body]] or your [[BrainInAJar brain]] (currently done by keeping the whole head) at low temperatures just after you're legally dead until someone finds out how to cure whatever was killing you. Research shows this might work, as the method they use now allows us to freeze and thaw small organs. They'll also, of course, have to cure the effects of freezing on the brain, which is somewhat more complicated. Oh, and figure out how to make new bodies for the heads-only crowd.
247* HumiliationConga: A criminal once tried to trick someone into sending him an Apple [=PowerBook=] G4 he bought at eBay. He ended up receiving a binder with keys glued on the inside covers. [[ Read the full story here!]]
248* ICouldaBeenAContender: Bill Butterfield was so bitter about his football career ending in high school that he tried to [[StageMom push his son into athletic success]]. The results weren't pretty.
249* IfJesusThenAliens
250* IfYouEverDoAnythingToHurtHer
251* ImplausibleDeniability
252* InstantExpert: Not exactly picking up ASAP but if you are a blackbelt at one martial art, then I doubt any other martial art would be any more difficult. Likewise, the more languages you know, the easier it is to learn new ones, especially if they're in the same linguistic family.
253* InsufferableGenius: Architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
254* InUniverseCamera: Just look at Website/{{Youtube}} videos of Iraq, 9/11, or the Virginia Tech shootings.
255* IsThatCuteKidYours: Check the [[IsThatCuteKidYoursDiscussion discussion page]] for examples.
256* ItsASmallNetAfterAll: In Mexico, ''everybody'' uses MSN Hotmail, MSN Spaces, and MSN Messenger, thanks to an alliance between Microsoft and Telmex, the latter a nigh-monopolical telco led by Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world.
257* ItsNotYouItsMe: You'd be surprised how much this line gets said in RealLife breakups. Heck, you've probably used it (or will use it), too!
258* KangarooCourt: Unfortunately.
259* LensmanArmsRace: World War II and the Cold War. Consider: the Germans only made very primitive payload rockets with long range work somewhat in WWII, and America couldn't launch a rocket as late as 1957. We were on the moon just over a ''decade'' later. And of course, nothing says "my [[strike:dick is bigger]] kung-fu is better than yours" like the ever-more-powerful nuclear weapons tests of the 50s and 60s.
260* LessEmbarrassingTerm: Just check out this "[[ one leg pant]]", or as most people would call it, a skirt.
261* LevelGrinding: Sheer repetition is the best form of improvement. Well, most effective form, anyway.
262* LivingMotionDetector: True for several animal species.
263* LockingMacGyverInTheStoreCupboard: Surprising but true. The most memorable case would be John and Clarence Anglen's and Frank Morris' escape from Alcatraz (as hard as it is to believe someone would actually fall for the fake-dummy-head-in-the-bed trick).
264* LoveMartyr: Nothing to [[DudeNotFunny laugh]] or smile about in real life.
265* LovingAShadow
266* MaamShock
267* MilitaryBrat
268* MilitaryMaverick: For every Colonel O'Neill you see on TV, I can guarantee you there's far worse in real life.
269* MissConception
270* MistakenForSpecialGuest: See [[ Guy Goma]] for an example.
271* MistakenNationality: Far too common.
272* NoFameNoWealthNoService
273* NonSequitur: No, I don't think the mailbox needs painting.
274* ObliviousAdoption: At least in the animal kingdom.
275* OccupiersOutOfOurCountry
276* OffTheWagon: Not quite as often as portrayed in the DrugsAreBad moral stories, but often
277* OldFriendNewGender
278* OperationBlank
279* OperatorFromIndia
280* PathOfInspiration: Church of Scientology.
281* PercussiveMaintenance: Don't tell me you've never whacked your TV when it failed.
282* PhenotypeStereotype: Happens in many places apart from Japan. In Mexico, for example, white people are automatically assumed to be American, Canadian or German.
283* PimpedOutDress: Worn by rich women throughout history (and men), and a huge part of the ErmineCapeEffect.
284* PlatonicLifePartners: Creator/CSLewis made a note in the "friendship" section of ''The Four Loves'' that platonic friendship between members of the opposite sex happened a lot in academia. (He ignored the gay angle, though.)
285* PluckyMiddie
286* PoliceLineup
287* PostRobberyTrauma: Something [[DudeNotFunny far more serious than it seems on TV]].
288* PowderTrail
289* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy
290* PrettyInMink: Fur is often worn for style instead of warmth.
291* PrivatelyOwnedSociety (See the article's RealLife section for details)
292* ProfessorGuineaPig: The mad scientist stories had to come from ''somewhere'', and OSHA regulations tended to be a bit loose when science was in its infancy.
293* PushPolling
294* RagtagBunchOfMisfits: Is there a chapter in the Mexican 19th century that doesn't have one of these?
295* RelativeError: Siblings get mistaken for lovers in real life a lot, oftentimes to the [[{{Squick}} disgust]] of the siblings.
296* RidiculousExchangeRates: Happens due to hyperinflation; as of right now (June 2008), about one billion Zimbabwean dollars are worth ''one single US dollar''.
297* RingRingCRUNCH
298* RockBeatsLaser: Though not common, superior tactics or sheer weight of numbers have defeated superior technology. This was apparently one of the reasons the Japanese won in the Russo-Japanese war, too.
299* Administrivia/RuleOfCautiousEditingJudgment
300* SandBridgeAtLowTide: Mont Saint-Michel, a French islet near the coastline of Normandy.
301* ScopeSnipe: Carlos Hathcock pulled this off during the Vietnam War.
302* SeinfeldianConversation: It is arguable that there is ''nothing'' more realistic than this trope.
303** Indeed, an argument over that would be the perfect example.
304* SelectiveEnforcement
305* SenselessViolins: The 2008 Northern Illinois University shooter managed to bypass the campus security by packing a pair of shotguns inside a guitar case.
306* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness: As noted in the entry, Williams Syndrome.
307* SheIsNotMyGirlfriend: At least four separate editors have had this happen to them. Check the page.
308* ShoddyKnockoffProduct: All the knockoffs of real products.
309* ShowingOffThePerilousPowerSource: Don't look directly at the sun or at a nuclear explosion.
310* ShyBladder
311* SmiteMeOMightySmiter
312* SnakeOil (AllNaturalSnakeOil)
313* SnipeHunt
314* SpockSpeak: Asperger's Syndrome and legalese (though usually not [[{{Flanderization}} to this degree]]).
315* StageMom
316* StarCrossedLovers: "Things just didn't work out."
317* StealthHiBye: It happens when you're distracted and don't notice when someone is entering or leaving the room.
318* StoutStrength: Incredibly strong men often look more rotund than body-building.
319* StreetUrchin: One of the most serious social problems everywhere in the world.
320* SuccessionCrisis: Plenty of historical examples.
321* SweetPollyOliver: Joan of Arc, Mulan (the REAL one).
322* TelevisuallyTransmittedDisease: Strangely, most of the miraculous recoveries you see in medical dramas actually have happened.
323* ThemeNaming: The Emperor Constantine's children.
324* TrashOfTheTitans: As you can see in [[ this site]].
325* TrueArtIsIncomprehensible: This is one of those annoying ones that reinforces itself.
326* UltimateJobSecurity
327* UndisclosedFunds: Talking about money was once viewed as crass, so people used these methods to do so.
328* TheUnpronounceable: Indians working in call centers with American customers typically use adopted "American" names.
329** Chinese names also tend to be particularly tough for English speakers, leading to most in relevant countries to adopt English names. Sometimes these names are unintentionally hilarious.
330* UpperClassTwit: Paris Hilton. 'nuff said. Buddha was also one of such before leaving his castle.
331* UrbanSegregation: The Independencia Avenue in Guadalajara, Mexico divides the city in two: the West side is the rich side, home to all the trendy malls, while the East side is the poor side, filled with gritty factories and impoverished ghettos.
332* UsefulNotes: Useful ''because'' they're true.
333* VerbalTic: Francophone Canadians often say "là" ("there") at the end of each sentence, Mexicans do the same with "wey" and "ese" ("dude" and "this"), Argentinians start their phrases with "che", and United Statesians use "like", like, every five words. And not just, like, the ValleyGirl types. Most famously...
334* ViolentGlaswegian: Glasgow is the murder capital of Western Europe.
335* WackyMarriageProposal: Geeks love asking their soulmates in ways like that. And people take great lengths (e.g.: ball games, fireworks, et cetera)
336* WalkingTheEarth: Hitchhiking is about Walking The Earth for a while, finding all sorts of small jobs, with nothing but a backpack, enough money to stay fed, groomed and with a place to sleep.
337* WeAREStrugglingTogether
338* WellIntentionedExtremist: The real world version is a lot scarier, actually.
339* WhyCouldntYouBeDifferent: If you haven't experienced it yourself, you probably know someone who's going through it. One way or the other.
340* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Phobias are common, even silly ones.
341* WikiWalk
342* WillNotTellALie: Very uncommon, but definitely real.
343* WiperStart: To the embarrassment of many a new driver.
344* WishfulProjection
345* WorthlessForeignDegree
346* WretchedHive: Mogadishu, Somalia. The slums of Rio in Brazil. A few very bad neighborhoods in the United States. Hell, look hard enough, and you ''will'' find them all over the world.
