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Context Characters / TheNaughtiestGirl

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1Characters in the series.
5[[folder: Elizabeth Allen]]
8The titular naughtiest girl, who becomes good.
10* TheAce: Easily aces every single lesson and class.
11* BrilliantButLazy: The first two thirds of the first book is Elizabeth being this, but after she grows more mature, she is not this trope anymore.
12* ChaoticGood: Somewhat downplayed. In the first book Elizabeth was definitely not what you call good, yet underneath it all had a kind heart.
13* ChildProdigy: A subtle example. No one seems to notice how Elizabeth, having never attended a legitimate school, easily catches up and can be the first in class easily.
14* ClassClown: She sometimes fulfills this trope, at least until the teachers get annoyed.
15* ClassPet: Grows to become this, even to the teachers.
16* EasilyForgiven: In the first book, she is easily forgiven by Harry after slapping him.
17* FatalFlaw: Her temper and impulsiveness. Elizabeth almost always has good intentions, but often gets into trouble when she loses her temper.
18* HairTriggerTemper: The reason she often gets in trouble when she's actually trying to be good.
19* HeroProtagonist: While the titles may have you believe otherwise, the series would be admittedly short if Elizabeth was a [[VillainProtagonist villain protagonist]].
20* HiddenHeartOfGold: Many people including her mother believe her to be this, and Whyteleafe School ends up unravelling it.
21* HomeschooledKids: Elizabeth used to be one of these, until she became too naughty and forced her parents to send her to school.
22* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: In the first book, before Elizabeth makes up her mind to be kind and good, she comes across as this.
23* RebelliousSpirit: Had a bit of this when she first enters Whyteleafe. She gets better eventually but a bit of it still remains.
24* SpoiledBrat: Unfortunately for her parents Elizabeth became this, forcing them to send her to school.
25* TookALevelInKindness: Throughout the events of the first book, Elizabeth undergoes this to the point where she is unrecognizable by her own mother.
30[[folder: Joan Townsend]]
33Elizabeth's best friend.
35* AscendedExtra: Barely got a prominent role in the book before becoming a major character in the second half.
36* TheQuietOne: Before Elizabeth gets her to speak up, Joan was this. She gets better though.
37* TheUnfavourite: Somewhat downplayed, as she wasn't unliked, just accidentally ignored.
38* WiseBeyondTheirYears: Eventually becomes the only monitor in the first form due to showing wisdom - after helping Kathleen own up about playing tricks on two of the other girls with advice, almost everyone votes for her to be the newest monitor.
39* YouShouldHaveDiedInstead: Not explicitly stated, but when Joan's mother is calmed by the principals she admits she sort of wanted this.
44[[folder: Harry Dunn]]
46Elizabeth's classmate and good friend.
48* AscendedExtra: Begins the book as a random boy but later becomes part of the main cast.
49* EarlyBirdCameo: Is name dropped in an early chapter before his later importance.
54[[folder: Julian Holland]]
56Elizabeth's classmate and second best friend after Joan moves up a form. Also has a talent in ventriloquism, able to make a variety of noises without moving his lips.
58* BrilliantButLazy: Starts out of this, but realizes later on that hard work brings its own reward and decides to put his work first.
59* ColorCodedEyes: His green eyes are a sign that he is mischievous.
