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Archived Discussion Website / SomethingAwful

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

This page needs to be waaaaay more neutral. It's a war zone. Examples of hilarious venom: 'Have these guys ever created anything not horrible?' 'Goons seem to hate everything, but the exceptions tend to be creepily worshipped.'[sic] 'Individual goons, however, tend to make up obvious lies about how awesome they are for the fun of it.' Man, chill out.

Matthew The Raven: Somalia is a war zone. This is just normal internet commentary. The first objection is just a joke, and the other two statements are part of goon culture. It's a site about taking the piss out of everything, and the making up lies about themselves-bit is just a way of being funny.

Shrikesnest: If nothing else, it's weirdly appropriate that the writeup be sharp and vitriolic, even if just mildly so.

The forum itself is a pretty divisive phenomenon, even amongst its own members, so it's natural that will spill into any discussion of it.

Should the bits of horror fiction on the main page be part of this or get their own tropes? There have been some really freaky serialized short stories
