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Archived Discussion Series / BigBrother

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Mr Wednesday: If you want to defend Big Brother, by all means go ahead, but please don't do it by shoehorning in a few badly-punctuated lines that totally break the tone and flow of the page. If somebody's bothered about the tone of the article, they could look into giving it a properly-thought out edit to make it a bit more balanced. As it was, we just had a wad of text in the middle of the page that was quite clearly written by somebody completely different to the person who did the rest of the article and stuck out like a sore, whiny thumb.

Arivne: I have edited Tokuguy's additions so they're less jarring.

Sijo: The term "Paredão" might be the Portuguese equivalent of the Spanish "paredon", which, while literally meaning "big wall", actually refers to a wall that prisoners are forced to stand in front of... before being shot dead. Thus the analogy to the elimination process.
