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Archived Discussion Main / SheIsNotMyGirlfriend

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Scrounge: I'm surprised there aren't any subversions. I'd think it'd be easy enough to subcert this one by having them be past the "girlfriend and boyfriend" stage into fiances or marriage.

Rich: There was an episode of Seinfeld in which Jerry and Elaine were shopping and the clerk hit on Elaine. Jerry was upset that he didn't assume he and Elaine were dating. Later when a flower woman asked the guy if he'd "like a flower for his wife", Jerry demands, "What makes you think she's not my wife?"

Kilyle: Sounds like a subversion to me—put it up on the page proper.

Kilyle: Is there a super-trope here, of things that are commonly blurted out when the matter wasn't actually brought up? Not just this, but like I'm recalling from Bone in which Fone Bone falls in Love at First Sight with Thorn, and when she says "Are you new here?" he blurts out "Fone Bone! What's yours?" But are there other tropes around that are commonly blurted out when nobody asked about them?
Rogue 7: Pulled this from the top of the page. Used with Ichigo and Rukia, except without the hysterical reactions and/or blushing that would imply some sort of real romantic interest to be in denial over, which might be the point. The relationship not being platonic or amorous (like Kubo himself said) would likely cause that kind of confusion.
  • No hysterical reactions to the question, except for that epic Spit Take Rukia produces when questioned, complete with rainbow. Later questioned again, she puts on a fake smile and an instance of being Just Friends, while her internal monologue says she has no interest in love, romance, friendship and relationships in general, nope none at all.
o That was just in the anime, though. In the manga she just spits and goes "What?!" and her internal monologue about feelings like love, hate, friendship, etc., being just a hassle that shinigami don't need is set to her watching Orihime and her other schoolmates frolic (or rather, Tatsuki beating the crap out of Chizuru). o The anime has some more anime original She Is Not My Girlfriend moments: one in the anime version of the Grand Fisher Arc (though Ichigo is out cold so only Rukia reacts) and more in the Bount Arc where Lilin throws a fit about them standing so close like lovers. Typically of the anime, Orihime, whose feelings the anime tried to downplay for a long time, is either missing from these scenes or she's not shown to have a reaction.

Does anyone else think this entry needs some epic cleaning up? Seriously?

Prfnoff: Removed "People Will Say We're In Love," which falls under Secret Relationship.
