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Fred Gallagher, artist and currently sole author of Mega Tokyo, has drawings of young women (maybe girls) in varying degrees of undress that still circulate the internet. While not identical to his current characters, the Gallagher-style resemblance is apparent. For several reasons, he disavows ever making them.'
questions whether the anonymous obsessives and demi-autists of the internet can find a new white whale.

I kind of want to mention the whole megatokyo/blurred thing where MT author fred ghalager (like almost all artists) drew hentai, but once he became famous went to hell and back to try and cover it up. It isn't TV but it is pretty funny and related. So i throw it to the judges whether or not to include it. Seth

osh: Considering the absurd storm of drama that tends to create (which was nothing more than some racy pictures) I wouldn't put it on the main entry page.

Ununnilium: Plus, it wasn't hentai of the characters who would eventually pop up in Megatokyo. ...was it?

Seth:Same basic character designs i think, one looked like Kimiko, another Erika. I just remember reading about it on Encyclopedia Dramatica and thought it was funny. I dont think they were fully nude either.

osh: From what I understand the non-trolling part of the drama came not from the fact that they existed, but people being confused Piro actively and aggressively denied it (IMHO, Piro is protective of holding onto the wholesome aspect of this webcomic). Doing that kind of art is usually par for the course for manga artists.

I've seen the works in question, and they are NOT hentai. There is ONE drawing of a topless girl, but the rest is just earlier "unrefined" art that was Piro's original. He LOST the website where they were origally posted (or let his contract with the host expire), but someone "found" a mirror stole the art and formed a little group saying that he was trying to hide PORN and harassed Piro on the subject.

Seth: I like Megatokyo and respect fred's work but some of the stuff he has done to protect his wholesome image is just plain dumb. Threatening to stop making the comic if he ever saw MT hentai for example (Of course when ghastly decided to make lots of it to call his bluff the threat was retracted but still).

Philweasel: I don’t think he denied it as long as some people think, as about a month into the whole thing I actually asked him about it on mIRC and he admitted they were his, cried Old Shame and said he was going to make a rant about it and put Blurred back on the Web. Took him about five months but then anyone who knows the guy wouldn’t be too surprised at that. The entry deserves to be there, though I’ve cleaned it up and added a few bits. Feeling charitable, I’ve made the various reasons thing a link to Old Shame. The problem I think was the aggressive, uninformed reaction from his inner circle, which I will avoid commenting on for all our sakes.

onna: Just to let you know - Maki Murakami, the mangaka for Gravitation, has been producing both new manga and heavy yaoi doujinshi again.

Would Kiyohiko Azuma and Inma no Ranbu be an example? ( )

Trouser Wearing Barbarian: Can someone explain this trope name to me, because I'm not entirely sure if I get it. Is it supposed to be "the characters have bleached (see-through?) underpants as a sign of their origin", "something that was pornographic, but with the naughtier parts 'bleached' out", or what?

Pretzelsandcoke: The latter. Hypothetical situation: J. Random Artist used to draw extremely racy art before making it big with his main attraction - in essence, this trope. If Old Shame is involved, there's a strong possibility he might deny everything.
