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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

There wasn't any Ani-Monday tonight (2008/11/17), at least according to the schedule. Is it coming back? —Document N

R Taco: I don't want to get into an Edit War here, but I wouldn't say that the So Bad Its Horrible movies outnumber the So Bad, It's Good ones. If anything, it's the other way around.
Fast Eddie: I suppose we need to make it so folks can write reviews of networks, so that the articles don't turn into opinion pieces.

Seth: Wouldn't reviews be even more opinion piecey? The model of BBC and Channel Four (from yonks ago) was to keep them as factual as possible with no extra opinion. Shall try to inject some of this article.

Snark removed, facts inserted. Needs a clean up though.
