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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Escape to Mexico: From YKTTW

Paul A: Would this also include cases where escaped prisoners-of-war are trying to reach the border of a friendly (or at least neutral) country (as in The Great Escape, Von Ryan's Express, etc.)?

Earnest: I don't see why not, it already covers fleeing despotic regimes and natural disasters.

Averted in real life: During WWII, German PO Ws were imprisoned in Kansas. A few of them managed to escape ...for three days. They asked how close they'd gotten to Mexico. They were very disappointed to discover that they hadn't gotten out of the county, let alone the State.

Khitty Hawk: Should that last sentence read: They were very disappointed to discover that they hadn't gotten out of the state, let alone the country.?

Earnest: Not necessarily. In the US they often call individual parts of a state counties (especially the midwest). So it's plausible they spent their three days out of the jail trying to leave a (perhaps large?) tract of land inside the state.
