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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Cool trope. Needs a title that will actually be used to refer to the trope.

Zeta: I can't believe someone else remembers the Three Investigators.

Sci Vo: It still only has two Wicks, so it would still be easy to rename it. Secret Four? Keeps the reference, gets rid of the apostrophe problem, and is easier to use in a sentence.

Fast Eddie: The class of the things is Reference Drop. As in name-dropping.

Paul Power: Someone else who remembers the Three Investigators here. As it happens, I'm thinking about setting up a page for the series as I type.

Narvi: Good trope, terrible name. It should probably be something like... I don't know. World Building Name Drop?

Wascally Wabbit: World Building Name Drop is excellent.

Aquillion: I removed Secret Four entirely. Trope namer or no, it simply isn't an example of this trope — it's a running gag, not a reference intended to imply a larger setting beyond what has been presented.

Meems: Another vote for changing the title. I keep thinking the current one is a Henway.

Game Fan: Another vote for changing the title. World Building Name Drop makes much more sense.

Tenebrais: Also voting for the change, after discovering the title actually refers to something rather than being an example of the trope.

rsm109: Meems - good, I'm not the only one.

Man Without A Body: I don't think this Three Investigators thing is famous enough to be a trope namer in so vague a way.
