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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From YKTTW Working Title: New Namespace Idea: Playing With Tropes

Janitor: There are some good ideas for this in this forum thread

Big T: A lot of aversion examples don't seem to get what the concept means. While the trope isn't actually set-up, there still has to be some reason it is expected. For example, let's say there's a trope about Televisions always have knobs. If the show has no TV in it, then it can't avert the trope. There has to be a TV without any knobs. (Subversions would be either a set that looks like it has knobs, but they are non-functional, or we see a bunch of T Vs with knobs, but we later see TVs without knobs—the ones with were just old.)

Koveras: Would it be possible to make all new entries in the PlayingWith namespace appear on the main list automatically, kinda like in the Laconic Wiki?

Killer Clowns: In the interest of avoiding an Edit War (even though it risks spawning a Flame War), I ask: what shall be done with the Playing With of the TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life page? I say keep it; it's kinda funny, and it could potentially be made better. Maybe stick a Just for Fun mark atop it. Yeah, it isn't a trope, and so it shouldn't technically have a true Playing With. But so what? That's why I'm saying we could stick a Just for Fun on it. (EDIT: After further consideration in the below linked discussion, I retract my "not technically a trope" statement. I leave it in, albeit now struck-out, for the sake of not being an Orwellian Editor.)

B Gal: NO. it's doesn't fit, and unless we planned on doing things related to shows, it's best not to.

Luc: Created a forum thread for the purposes of discussing this, here. Please, comment there. ____________________________

Psycho Prototype and Evil Knockoff are so complementary that I think they both deserve a united "playing with" page so the subtleties of either and neither can be understood
