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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Red Shoe: The "cooler" cousin of Outrun the Fireball: Outwalking the Fireball. Some cool badass just walks calmly toward the camera as an explosion goes off behind him -- usually one he's responsible for. May be coupled with an equally badass action, like lighting a smoke or putting on his cool shades. Seen most recently on CSI Miami: "Curse of the Coffin". Other instances?

Seth: Id say lump this one into outrun the fire ball just a line towardsd the end, "Really cool characters dont have to run" or something to that effect.

Sukeban: It happens to Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek in Desperado. FWIW, I think this trope is what you get when you Outrun the Fireball and do the Power Walk at once.

Kizor: Note to self. Write a superhero with superspeed and have him outrun a blast that moves at a completely realistic rate. That would be so freakin' awesome.

Seven Seals: Note to self. Parody the above by having the super-speedster be so much faster than the blast that it's anti-climactic. Maybe have him go back a few times to rescue people.


  • Metroid, Metroid, Metroid, Metroid, Metroid, Metroid, Metroid, and Metroid. METROID.
    • Not really, what you are usually outrunning is the timer for the actual explosion, in the ensuing escape cutscene, Samus's ship is usually well out of the stratosphere by the time the explosion occurs, even if you hopped on the ship with one second to spare. If I recall though, you do outrun a fireball at the end of Zero Mission.

"Not really". GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Take it out if it's wrong.
