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Archived Discussion Main / KillerApp

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Nate The Great: Does the original Super Mario Brothers really count as a killer app for the NES? It came with the system! Sure it's a great game, but we don't call Tetris for Gameboy a killer app because it also came with the system!

Rothul: I think it does... people bought the NES for a chance to play Super Mario Brothers. I think that fits at least the loosest definition of "Killer App".

Major Major: My new paragraph, about the origin of the phrase, is because I've never heard "Killer App" used outside that context—not that I console game, admittedly. If it seems pedantic or bores anyone to tears, just cut it out.
Tanto: ...Remind me never to use "Find and Replace" ever again.
Nevrmore: You think God of War/God of War II should be considered a killer app? I know that both were critically acclaimed, and GoWII is a reason to still own a PS2.

Tanto: Eh, not really. The feeling we're trying to get across here is "system seller", so these games really should be concentrated at the beginning of a system's lifetime, first year or two. (You'll notice most of the games on the list already were released within a year of launch.) The God of War games are good, but nobody who didn't already have a PS2 ran out to buy one just to play them.

AK47x2: Maybe it's just me, but who's with me in saying that Mario Kart DS was the killer app for DS, being the first game with wifi and coming out in around a year of the DS?

Tanto: Halo 3 seems like it comes out a little late to be a Killer App...the purpose of this entry is not just "best games for the system", it's "games that single-handedly moved the system".
Ronfar: Apparently, Lair is getting Four-Point Scale defying bad reviews. I've removed the comment about it being the PS3's Killer App.
says you. This editor enjoyed it very much.

Tanto: I suppose that's possible, if you enjoy tedious Level Grinding, an annoying Randomly Drops-based skill system, and scads of Fake Difficulty...however, I doubt your opinion is representative.

Also: Galaxy and Brawl aren't even out yet — they're not selling any systems. They'll probably be awesome, for sure, but once again that's beyond the scope of this entry.

Tanto: Pulled this...

  • Depending on who you ask, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night arguably counts.
    • This troper is one of those you ask.
    • More people would have gone with this sentiment if Symphony of the Night had a larger pressing. It took this troper four years to finally locate a copy. It was worth it, though.

...because while SotN is unquestionably a great game, it didn't sell any systems, and I don't want to get into the whole "It's a Killer App for me" territory. Deleted NiGHTS for the same reason: the Saturn didn't have a Killer App; that's why it failed. This trope is not simply synonymous with "good game".

Eric DVH: Except in Japan, of course.


"** ...And then an enhanced version of the game was announced for the Playstation 3. Oh well."

Because the statement, while factual, doesn't really relate to the claim of To V being a Killer App in Japan. Vesperia already *did* drive up 360 sales, so either the level of sales increase was sufficient to qualify as a Killer App, or not. Either way, a future PS 3 port doesn't especially matter.

Bedinsis: Is Phoenix Wright really a Killer App? I know it's a great game series, but I thought the series mainly attracted those who already owned a DS and thought: "Hmm, this 'Phoenix Wright'-game has been getting favorable reviews. Perhaps I should try it out.". I.e. it has sold good, but it hasn't really caused people to buy the system. Am I wrong?
