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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

many thanks for editing out the phrase "fangirl japanese", i was not happy to learn i spoke a language called fangirl anything

Jisu: What is wrong with the phrase "fangirl Japanese"? Fangirl any-language-here exists. Gratuitous English could be called fangirl English.

Shwoo: Fangirl Japanese isn't the same as normal Japanese. It's really bad Japanese, like so: "Kawaii no desu! Anata wa baka... Gomen! ^_^" It tends to be used in fanfiction by characters who would never use it in canon, and probably don't even speak Japanese. I've seen it used in Harry Potter fanfiction...

Jisu: Exactly.

i thought it was random japenese words for the heck of it (something i do to annoy people)

Darktalon: Fangirl Japanese is a variety of Gratuitous Japanese.
