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From YKTTW Working Title: damsel fight and flight response

A girl got cornered by the villain, he is about to kill her, and there is no escape. Suddenly she catches him off-guard and smacks him in the head with a heavy object. He will collapse to the ground and she will run to the door. Somehow, despite the fact that realistically he should have at least a minor concussion, he would recover quickly enough to catch her just before she would reach the door.

Of course it would never occur to her to continue hitting him while he is down to make sure he would not recover.

Similar to Once is Not Enough except that the villain is only unstoppable to women. To men he might be just a Mook.

  • happened to Lex girlfriend in season 2 of smallville
  • Mary Jane does this to the Chameleon in a Spider Man comic, but subverted in that she does keep hitting him.
  • subverted in runaway jury. Marlee hit the guy twice and when he still catches her before she manages to escape, she stabbed his leg with a piece of wood.
  • Best subversion ever: the kidnapping scene from Rush Hour in which the girl manages to frustrate and bruise much of the abduction team before they finally subdue her and stuff her into a van.
  • Another candidate for best subversion ever is the ending of Death Proof. The girls go back to finish the job.

reply: I hate this trope, and have seen it a lot.


Of course it would never occur to her to continue hitting him while he is down to make sure he would not recover.
It Just Bugs Me!.

reply: Mary Jane does this to the Chameleon in a Spider Man comic, but subverted in that she does keep hitting him.

reply: I think Claire does this to Sylar in Heroes season 3 (can someone confirm?)

reply: i will need more examples before i could lunch it

reply: launch

reply: Dan And Mabs Furry Adventures may have used a variation. When Dan (good guy) and Regina (bad girl) meet unexpectedly (six years after their last fight), they were both stunned. Dan then started to speak ("...You!") and Regina clocked him with the serving tray she was holding. Then she ran, and he pursued. He didn't catch up to her until later though.

reply: Usually, if she does fight, she gets a few ineffectual blows in before he recovers, grabs her arm and says something snarky.

Best subversion ever: the kidnapping scene from Rush Hour in which the girl manages to frustrate and bruise much of the abduction team before they finally subdue her and stuff her into a van.

reply: We do have Once is Not Enough. It seems more specifically defined though.

reply: Another candidate for best subversion ever is the ending of Death Proof. The girls go back to finish the job.

reply: There's no such thing as "somewhat subverted". Either it's subverted, or it isn't. Tropes Are Flexible and all that.

reply: End of markup
