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Archived Discussion Main / ColdTurkeysAreEverywhere

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Solandra: The discussion for this is still in do you move it to an already-finished entry?

Earnest: You just launch it normally, if you put the name of an already existing trope in the Launch window, it gets sent there.

Solandra: Got it. Thanks!

Earnest: Glad to help! ^_^ I just wanted to add that dieting and cold turkeys is my life right now, and yes, real world people sabotaging you, along with delicious once in a blue moon treat thing is depressingly real. So I'm particularly sympathetic to "Ben". ;D But hey, smaller swimsuit ftw!

Ununnilium: Taking out:
In my experience, the Jerkass friends and bystanders is too true, the Schadenfreude and jealousy involved in seeing you fail is strong enough to make people use a lot of peer pressure and tempting offers.

...because it's not really wiki-ish. `.`

Red Shoe: Okay, I know it doesn't fit with the actual content, but there will never be another page on this wiki in more desperate need of that quote.

Scifantasy: I pulled the Futurama example, as it doesn't fit...that was a sendup of the old Noir trick of showing the character walking past—and presumably stopping to drink at—bars by showing him walking and the neon signs passing him.

Got rid of the Avatar example as it didn't seem like this Trope. Aang wasn't abstaining from anything, he was trying to keep a secret.
