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Archived Discussion Main / BecauseDestinySaysSo

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

zomo: It seems kind of odd that it is a trope. Isn't it more akin to a thematic element?

Ununnilium: We don't really have a "thematic element" index, though. `.`

Gus: Sure we do. It's called "Tropes".

Ununnilium: I wouldn't say that "devices and conventions" are quite the same as "thematic elements", though. Maybe. @@

Gus: OK, I'll bite. I think of a thematic element as something that contributes to the attitude, tone, and intention of the piece. Perhaps there is a more precise definition that would exclude tropes.

Ununnilium: Eh, even if there was it'd be close enough that I think the Tropes index qualifies. ``v

Morgan Wick: Discussion moved to Prophecy Twist Discussion.

Webrunner: Hmm, says the thing about Supergirl: (This episode may or may not be a Poorly Disguised Pilot for the upcoming Legion series; it's unclear, because Bruce Timm has nothing to do with that series and most of the production crew is different.) Apparently it was meant as a backdoor pilot, but the show never got picked up.

Ununnilium: Pulled out...

  • So do the stories of Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, and Roland the Gunslinger.

Add some details, if you're going to use one of these as an example.

Lale: Took out the Jesus Christ example sicne that would actually be "Because God Says So," and Destiny in all of the examples is not a sentient being with a personality, just a mysterious force.

  • In the Kim Possible episode Big Bother, Yori told Kim Possible that Ron Stoppable was her destiny
Not quite this trope, as it's... not a prophecy. Kim and Ron are already a couple. Seriously, cut out the Ron/Kim shipper vendetta editing. R/K won, R/K was always going to win, be satisfied with just that.
  • All shipping aside, Yori's quote on the matter is rather simple and elegant as a general description of destiny, even if Ron/Kim itself doesn't apply to the trope.

So what's the difference between this and You Can't Fight Fate? It's not on the trope differences page.
