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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Player Centered Shopping: From YKTTW

Fallingwater: removing the following from Morrowind's example: "You can ocassionally find some really cool stuff, like dreugh armor, but if you want the Infinity +1 Sword, you have to find it yourself." because it's irrelevant to the trope. The shops do, of course, sell useful stuff, but the point is that they also sell a lot of useless items for realism. Also removed the following: "Averted in Fallout 3, whose taverns and restaurants sell full menus of food". F3's food items ALL grant some sort of health or stat boost, and thus qualify as Hyperactive Metabolysm items as per the trope's description.

Removed the paintbrush example from Oblivion. An early patch removed the physics glitch, so they're no longer relevant objects at all.

Proginoskes: Would MMORPGs like RuneScape with a player-driven economy be suitable here? In RS, anything you could buy from a shop can also be purchased on the Grand Exchange, and the best method of raising funds is to sell raw materials.
