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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Peteman: where did it say the Director feels his program is the next stage in human evolution or whatever it is that makes him a Darwinist. I always felt he was resentful for being put under scrutiny for his morally questionable actions when the people he worked for did stuff like abducting 12 year olds and had them subjected to training from hell and all sorts of illegal genetic and cybernetic augmentations to quash dissent (SPARTAN-I Is), and training orphans to send them on suicide missions (SPARTAN-II Is).

Tacitus: Episode 14: "Sir, while I appreciate your concern, allow me to correct you in one area: I value all our subjects’ well-being. But I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species – our ability to survive. And no committee, no bureaucrat will ever convince me otherwise."

Peteman: Yeah, but Chapter 18 provides my reasoning for thinking that line was in context of "I Did What I Had to Do".

"I don't give a damn about your committee and its opinions of my work. Have you forgotten Sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species? I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundamental quality of Man, that when face with extinction, every alternative is preferable. "

Tacitus: You're right, the Director's "evolutionary" attempts were made in reaction to an outside threat, instead of for their own sake. I've reworked his segment and dropped the Darwinist angle - feel free to tweak it as you see fit.

Where does it imply Sheila's sigma?

Peteman: Why are the character profiles here so different than every other profile page?
