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Reviews Film / Prometheus

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dellyskoll the world is quiet here Since: Jan, 2011
the world is quiet here
07/06/2012 16:05:40 •••

Ultimately, good and bad.

The basics: I didn't watch any of the viral marketing videos or other promotional material before watching the movie, aside from the trailers you see when watching other films. I haven't seen any other movies in the Alien series either. Horror, especially Body Horror, isn't really my thing either.

The verdict: Prometheus was both a good and bad film, but I felt that it was worth the money. The pros and cons balanced each other out and made Prometheus So Okay Its Average. It could've been more, could've been more enjoyable, but unfortunately wasn't.

The reasoning: The good part is that the CGI and special effects were amazing. And not in a very shallow, "turn off your brain and just stare" way either, but in a way that really sucks you into the story and contributes to the tension and horror. When you weren't being thrown out of the immersion, Prometheus was at its best.

Unfortunately, the film does that a lot—break you out of believability. The characters act in either such painfully stereotypical horror movie ways, or in complete indifference. Poor Communication Kills is at its best (or worst?) in this movie. The ending leaves some questions unanswered too—without much hope of a sequel.

Spoilers! (aka further reasoning)

  • Examples of terrible Idiot Ball moments:
    • Fifield and Millburn split up with the others—but don't ask the crew for help in getting out. The rest of the crew on the ship don't even bother trying to give them the storm warning.
    • Vickers and Janek leaving the bridge of the Prometheus, although they know they still have two members of the crew stranded in the alien installation. In fact, not having anyone on the bridge to check if they're still alive.
    • Holloway seeing that there is possibly a worm in his eye and not telling anyone.
    • Shaw not telling anyone that she just birthed a tentacled monstrosity, and left it in Vickers' room.

maninahat Since: Apr, 2009
06/06/2012 00:00:00

I'll add a couple of others:

  • Going into a strop, despite just discovering an ancient space civilization - apparently the aliens must be alive, or it isn't worth it.
  • "Not bringing along weapons, even after two crewmen go missing right after finding out there is something alive down there.
  • Thawing out the old man, before finding an obliging alien, willing to help heal him.
  • Trying to escape a giant spinning hula-hoop by running along in front of it, instead of off to the side.
  • Having a super expensive, auto-doc machine that is only calibrated to work on men (notably maintained by a woman).

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maninahat Since: Apr, 2009
06/06/2012 00:00:00

Oh and the biggie:

  • A biologist trying to prod an alien snake penis monster he knows nothing about. Is that standard protocol for biologists, when handling snakes? I guess he graduated from the Steve Erwin school of field studies.

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Vermiis Since: Jan, 2011
06/07/2012 00:00:00

Minor nitpick, I actually saw the auto-doc pod that only worked on men as subtle foreshadowing that Vicker's father was on the ship, and may need emergency attention.

maninahat Since: Apr, 2009
06/07/2012 00:00:00

Well that is probably the justification for why it is calibrated for men only, but it just seems implausible for the daughter to have it in her cabin and not have it designed to include her.

Book me today! I also review weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs.
McSomeguy Since: Dec, 2010
06/07/2012 00:00:00

The foreshadowing that he is on board came much sooner, when we saw David talking to him. There really is no legitimate reason for calibrating an advanced piece of future tech to work on only one gender, as it apparently had the tools to perform essentially the same procedure anyway. What advantage would the calibration give? Saving harddrive space?

Mightymoose101 Since: Oct, 2009
06/07/2012 00:00:00

Another minor nitpick, the guy was a botanist, not a biologist. Still no excuse for trying to pet the fucking penis monster that's openly being hostile towards him.

Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
06/13/2012 00:00:00

I just want to say an extra SPOILERS in case

The Fifield thing is even worse when you think about it, he was the guy in charge of the sensor balls and was actually giving the group directions the whole way in, then got lost on the way out??

I have to give a double nod to the ridiculousness of running away from the ship. Especially since she literally needed to move a metre to the side.

And also, Shaw at the end of the film is driving a warship full of incredibly dangerous, volatile and unstable biological weapons so uncontrollable and dangerous in fact that they there makers didn't trust them to be in the same solar system as themselves, to the alien homeworld, to say 'hi'. What's the best case scenario there?

And they seriously performed surgery on an unknown alien specie without even bothering to wear masks?

This isn't even getting into the stuff any half competent science expedition would have done. Like fly round the planet scanning it before entering the atmosphere, instead of crashing through and basically looking for a place to land with their eyes. Or scanning the great big creepy alien structure before going in it. Or even trying to analyze the weather maybe

Tomwithnonumbers Since: Dec, 2010
06/13/2012 00:00:00

I mean when we went to the moon we new absolutely every step of everything we wanted to do and you bet we planned for every contingency possible. This was a trillion credit expedition to another planet with alien life and far from having even the most basic plan of what to do when you get there, they didn't even select their leaders, or tell the crew what they were doing until they were actually staring at the planet. Even if you wanted secrecy you could've woken them up a year before they arrived so they could make a rough sketch of a plan just between themselves.

longstreth Since: Dec, 2010
07/06/2012 00:00:00

This is what happens when you get Damon Lindelof involved in your project...

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