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YMMV / Kitboga

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: A number of non-US viewers were surprised to discover that Piggly Wiggly is a real supermarket chain, and not something Kit made up as part of his elderly characters' schtick. Or, for that matter, US viewers as well in markets that don't have this store, which is only active in 17 states, and even some with only one or a few locations, and no locations west of Texas.
  • Catharsis Factor: If you or someone you know, particularly your grandparents, have fallen victim to these scammers, then watching Kit waste these scammers time, piss them off, and report them to fraud professionals can be very satisfying as an indirect form of revenge to these people.
  • Friendly Fandoms:
    • With Vinesauce; Kitboga's channel is on Vinny's auto-host list.
    • Similar prank calls have occurred a few times within its streamers' own streams, including Joel famously calling the "PC Optimizer Pro" support number during a Windows Destruction stream, and Rev bringing out his Jerald the Wizard persona when an IRS scammer repeatedly phoned him DURING a stream of Cogmind.
    • Although it's unknown if this was just a mere coincidence, a video of a raccoon eating grapes that had been a recurring gag on Joel's streams did come up once
    • Kitboga's fans are also friendly with Jim Browning fans.
    • There is a good deal of crossover between Kitboga's fans and fans of Jerma985. Jerma himself helped Kitboga call a printer scam playing Edna's husband. Kitboga was also a major part of The Jerma985 Dollhouse where he played multiple characters (including Edna!) throughout the streams.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the fake banner advertisements on Kit’s internet browser was for a TV show named "America’s Next PogChamp", referencing the popular Twitch emote. Cue January 2021, when Twitch removed the PogChamp emote due to its subject expressing their support for the storming of the United States Capitol building during the electoral college vote count, and announced that it would be seeking suggestions for a replacement emote, suddenly making the idea of a contest for the "next PogChamp" a reality.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Just wait a moment. Explanation 
    • Several catchphrases used in chat have been tied to Memetic Mutation of the scammers' accented English, including "jail phone" (from someone singing "Hotline Bling"), "leaf your mouse", etc.
    • DO NOT REDEEM THE X. Explanation 
  • Misaimed Fandom: Due to a chunk of the scammers being Indian, racists began utilizing Kitboga memes (such as 'do not redeem') to play into the "Indian tech scammer" stereotype for the country's people as a whole; of course, this isn't Kitboga's intention, and in fact tries as hard as he can to avert this: whenever he represents scammers visually (and it's not their real face) he uses random stock photos or as drawn cartoony robots. Even when playing the 'Rival Scammer' voice, he doesn't try to imitate an Indian accent. If anyone tries this during the chat on his Twitch stream, they tend to get shut down almost immediately.
  • Narm: Since many of the scammers speak only rudimentary English, a lot of their attempts to intimidate people fall horribly flat and sound more like a schoolkid's idea of an insult.
    Steve: You have made me angry now. NOW I SHOW YOU MY POWER!
  • Tear Jerker: "Saving a Victim from a 7 Year Scam". While going through a standard scambaiting routine, Kit unexpectedly ends up connecting to Sarah, an elderly victim who had been viciously exploited by scammers for years. Kit can't hold back his tears when explaining the situation to her, and asks her if she knows anyone tech savvy he could talk with to help Sarah clean her computer up. The lonely Sarah had no family members or friends who could help, but she did know a "technician who regularly helps her with tech support"; Kit was immediately suspicious, and after talking to said "technician" quickly confirmed that he was yet another scammer taking advantage of the poor woman. By the end, both Kit and Sarah are in tears as she explains that she lost virtually everything she had to these people. Thankfully, Kit went to great lengths to support her in the aftermath and help her get back on her feet.
