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YMMV / Doctor Who S35 E3 "Under the Lake"

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Doctor says that he destroyed the radio in the TARDIS after it played "Mysterious Girl" by Peter Andre and it became stuck in his head every morning. The first broadcast of this episode was on BBC1 straight after Strictly Come Dancing, which featured Peter Andre as a contestant.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: The Cliffhanger and Part Two trailers suggest not only that the Doctor will perish for good and become another ghost but also that it's a fate he can't avoid, a fixed point. But this guy has his name right in the show's title; he'll find a way to say Screw Destiny. Like "The Magician's Apprentice", the cliffhanger is more how he will survive rather than if. (To be fair, this can apply to every cliffhanger ever involving the Doctor, given the name of the series.)
  • Narm: Once Pritchard becomes the third ghost, he advances on the group menacingly... or at least he would if he weren't brandishing a plastic chair. Admittedly it probably could do some damage if it actually hit someone, but the way he's holding it just looks daft. WHO WANTS SOME OF MY CHAIR?!?
  • Rooting for the Empire: Pritchard is so insufferable it's hard not to root for him to die.
  • Ship Tease: As the two are in a relationship at this point, the episode is loaded with tiny moments between the Doctor and Clara. One moment that fans have pointed out occurs when the Doctor tells Clara (for the first time this season) that he feels he has a duty of care towards her. Prior to doing so, he is seen holding his right hand in an unusual, unnatural manner. This scene occurs soon after it is established that the Doctor thinks he has deleted American Sign Language from his memory though he actually signs "You're beautiful" to Cass without meaning to; the way the Doctor holds his hand in the TARDIS scene has been identified as being almost identical to the ASL sign for "I love you."
