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What Could Have Been / Epithet Erased

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Epithet Erased

What Could Have Been in this series.
  • According to this Tumblr post, Jello asked Danny Cooksey (the voice actor for Jack Spicer) to audition for the role of Giovanni, though Kyle Igneczi got the role in the end.
  • According to this Tumblr post, the very first draft of Epithet was much more tabletop-inspired, having in-universe dice rolls, passive abilities, and even level-ups. Giovanni’s Inexplicably Awesome CRITICAL 13 ability is a holdover from this.
  • In this Twitter thread in which Jello discusses Episode 6's reception, he reveals that he tried to shoehorn Molly into the Western Arc's main plot, knowing that viewers would miss her presence. He was unable to do so, as he couldn't find a justification for Percy to bring her along, much less what Molly would even do in the plot.
  • A February 2020 QnA stream revealed that Phoenica and Trixie were in the original draft of season one but had to be cut, thus they only got cameos in the season finale. Dan Gansley, a fan favorite from Anime Campaign, was also planned to appear, but was cut completely.
  • The same stream revealed that Roob, Giovanni's creator and player in Anime Campaign, named all of Giovanni's boys, though one name, "Blade", went unused in order to make room for Ben.
  • Prior to continuing the series as light novels, Jello had already planned out the structure for a potential second, nine-episode season, and while as ideas for future ones, which were discussed in the aforementioned QnA stream.
    • The first episode of season two would have formally introduce Phoenica, Trixie, and Rick Shades to the audience, the next 2-3 episodes will focus on Molly and Giovanni spending time in Molly's family toy store, and the rest of the season will focus on a party split, with one group being Molly and Giovanni and the other being Phoenica and Trixie. The villains of the season would be Yoomtah and the hooded Bliss Ocean member with glasses.
    • There would have been a minor plotline where Giovanni hides out at Crusher's backyard treehouse. The main source of comedy would be Crusher giving his boss gifts and baking him things in an obvious attempt to express his massive crush on Giovanni, with Giovanni himself being completely oblivious to Crusher's advances.
    • It was planned for there to once again be multiple outro songs: one with singing pirates, one with the Neo Trio (Molly, Trixie, and Phoenica), and one sung by Yoomtah in a lounge style.
    • All of Giovanni's boys were planned to reappear at least once in their casual clothing, though they would also be seen more sparingly due to having six extra characters in any given scene being needlessly complicated.
  • He hoped to one day do a "Freaky Friday" Flip episode, specifically noting that this version would avert Voices Are Mental.
  • From the Commentary Tracks on Jello's Patreon:
    • Sylvie was originally planned to be a serious character but was made more comedic partway through production.
    • Jello wanted there to be a Running Gag where Giovanni's eyes would change into the eyes of whoever he was doing a mocking impression of, but there wasn't enough time to pull it off completely, thus Giovanni only does it when imitating Molly in episode two.
  • During a stream with Molly and Giovanni's voice actors, Jello mentions that the Banzai Jenefers were originally male and weren't a Shout-Out to the Heathers. Jello decided to make them female since he wanted to give some women a chance to voice sillier characters and made them a ''Heathers" reference because he liked the musical.
  • During a stream in which Jello watched through Epithet and did some QnA, he revealed that Ben was original voiced by Ry McKeand, but his reads came off as too sinister so Jello redubbed the lines on the fly to make him seem more dimwitted and harmless.
