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Western Animation / Tomorrow We Diet

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“Tomorrow We Diet” is a 1951 Classic Disney Short directed by Jack Kinney, starring Goofy.

Goofy has put on a little weight. Scratch that, a lot of weight. He denies it at first, but once he admits it, he tries to go on a diet, with a little help from his reflection. But will he have the will power to keep his diet?


  • Berserk Board Barricade: Goofy does this to his own fridge to keep himself out of it; he still manages to get through it later that night.
  • Big Eater: Goofy is a heavy eater. In fact, eating a huge habit for him. This short opens with Goofy eating a table-full of food. So it’s no wonder Goofy is fat. At one point, though, the narrator mentions that Goofy always settles for a light lunch.
  • Broken Ace: Goofy used to be a champion athlete when he was slimmer. Now that he’s overweight, Goofy can’t move as quickly anymore.
  • Brutal Honesty: A variation! While denying he is fat, Goofy weighs himself on the honesty scale to prove others wrong. A card comes out of the scale and on it Goofy reads, “You are jolly, genial, lovable, and fat as a pig.” That’s when Goofy is finally convinced he has gotten fat.
  • Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: Goofy tries to take his mind off food by reading a magazine, but there are pictures of food on every page. Then he sees food all over his house — fruit pattern on the upholstery of the chair he's sitting on, ornamental grapes on the staircase finial, ham and eggs wallpaper, neon signs outside his window — and all the while, a voice keeps saying "Eat! Eat! Eat!..."
  • Curtain Clothing: The tailor has to use his awning to make a striped suit for Goofy.
  • Diet Episode: It's in the title.
  • Fat and Skinny: Though Goofy is portrayed with overweight physique, for some reason, his mirror reflection takes a slimmer form.
  • The Fat Episode: Obviously.
  • Fat Flex: See Metaphoric Metamorphosis.
  • Formerly Fit: Some of Goofy’s old photos show that he used to be a slender athlete.
    Goofy: I was an all-around athlete.
    Mirror Reflection: That’s right! Only now you’re all round.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Goofy’s mirror reflection is pretty demeaning, taunting Goofy for being fat. Nonetheless, he is right about Goofy being fat from eating too much.
  • The Last Straw: After a big meal at a diner, Goofy puts on his hat, and that causes his stool to collapse under him.
  • Madness Mantra: EAT! is repeated throughout the cartoon.
  • The Man in the Mirror Talks Back: Goofy’s mirror reflection has a mind of his own. He taunts Goofy for being fat, and then gives him the advice he needs to lose weight.
  • Metaphoric Metamorphosis:
    • Goofy claims he's as fit as a fiddle and mimes playing one. Then his body takes the form of a violin before his pot belly drops. His reflection then snarks "a bass fiddle."
    • After all the food that's bad for him is removed, all Goofy has on his plate is a carrot, and his head turns into that of a rabbit.
  • Mythology Gag: Goofy's old photos of him from his athletic days may be a Call-Back to his sport-themed shorts of the 1940s.
  • Not So Above It All: When Goofy finally caves in and goes to the fridge in the middle of the night, he finds all his food gone. The reflection has (somehow) beaten him to it, and is now about to eat it all.
  • Rapid-Fire Nail Biting: Goofy does while freaked out over not eating.
    Mirror Reflection: Uhh ah. No munching between meals.
  • Sleepwalking: At night, Goofy sleepwalks to his fridge, but he's awake by the time he's searching through it.
  • Title Drop: The last line of the short, spoken by the reflection.
    Mirror Reflection: Eat, drink and be merry, and tomorrow we diet.
  • Weight Loss Salad: Goofy is told not to eat any fattening food so he can lose weight. The only thing left after pushing away all the "bad" food is a single carrot; his face turns into that of a rabbit upon looking at it.
  • You Are Fat: Everyone keeps calling Goofy fat, especially his mirror reflection. Goofy just denies it until he is completely convinced.
