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Web Video / Jordybuzz Riverdale Parody

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A YouTube series of Riverdale parody dubs made by JordyBuzz, most known for his Cinderella parodies. The parodies can be watched here.

Riverdale Parody includes the following tropes:

  • Adaptational Heroism: Miss Grundy is not a sexual predator who grooms teenage boys here, instead she merely has an affair with Fred that Archie covers up by claiming to have slept with her himself.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Betty, Veronica, Archie, and others.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Penelope, Hal, Hiram, Chic, Chuck, and several other characters are much nicer or at least more mundane than their canon counterparts.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Archie is arguably the Alpha Bitch of the parody series— and he "beat up a cripple," because Hiram asked him to. Though it turns out, Hiram just asked Archie to get the mail.
    • Fred Andrews, who is widely considered to be the kindest character in the show, in this show instead has an affair with Grundy that he lets his son take the fall for, and then later decides to murder her.
  • Attention Whore: Cheryl may have killed Jason solely to gain more screentime.
  • Axe-Crazy: Betty and Cheryl are more violent and unhinged in the parodies.
  • Cain and Abel:
    • Betty implies that she murdered Polly and threatens to do the same to Chic.
    • According to Penelope, Cheryl killed Jason to get more screentime.
  • Catchphrase:
    • Jughead: "Betty…"
    • Archie: "I fucked Miss Grundy."
    • Betty: "I’m perfect!"
    • Cheryl: "Good thing I’m straight."
  • Character Signature Song: Cheryl LOVES "My Sharona," by The Knack. She plays it whenever she can, and can be heard humming or singing the song often— even immediately after receiving a death threat.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Cheryl tries to convince Betty to help her kill Archie, in revenge for him spreading rumors that Cheryl is racist and for rejecting Betty. Betty doesn’t take her up on it.
  • Expy: Veronica’s whiny voice and Spoiled Brat attitude are very similar to Eric Cartman from the earlier seasons.
  • Kissing Cousins: Jughead starts to suspect Betty is his cousin, and dumps her because of this. He’s right.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Cheryl, in between hitting on girls, will unconvincingly declare herself "so straight."
  • Hulk Speak: Archie does this a lot, see also Third-Person Person.
    Archie: Awww, Archie sad.
  • Hypocritical Humor: When Jughead breaks up with Betty, he accuses her of following him around and saying his name all the time. At this point in the parodies, that was the extent of Jughead’s character.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Betty threatens to kill Chic (who in the parodies in nothing more than a yogurt-thief) because he makes her look less than “perfect,” and tells him that he won’t be in the next season of the Riverdale Parodies. In the finale, Alice sends Betty away so that Alice and the other parents can take over the show and have more screentime.
  • Mistaken for Racist: Cheryl offers to make Archie a sandwich, and when he asks what type of bread she’d use and she says white bread Archie immediately chastises her for being "racist," and tells everyone in school that Cheryl’s a racist. It does turn out that Cheryl is racist against Mexicans, though her crush on Toni starts to change this aspect of her.
  • Narcissist: Betty repeatedly insists that she’s perfect and will go to violent ends to maintain that.
  • Perverse Sexual Lust: According to Archie, Jughead has drawings of Betty and Yoda, that are "sexual."
  • Race Lift: Toni is part Mexican in the parodies— she is not in the original show.
  • Related in the Adaptation: The Jones and either The Coopers or The Smiths are revealed to be cousins— FP confirms that Jughead and Betty are cousins.
  • Serious Business: Yogurt, for Hal. All he does as the Black Hood is tell Betty to buy him some yogurt.
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • Cheryl, for Betty/Jughead.
    • Alice, for Betty/Archie.
  • Skewed Priorities:
    Cheryl: My brother died but that’s all right because it gives me a (sing-songy) storyline!
  • The Unintelligible: Chuck, Hal, and Hermione.
    • Chuck speaks in nonsense Word Salad mumbles, with the other characters mostly unable to understand what he’s saying.
    • Hal is usually screeching, but is understood by the characters.
    • Hermione speaks by making random noises and occasionally slipping in an actual word or two, with only Hiram and Veronica able to understand what she’s saying. It turns out that Hermione actually can speak normally, but Hiram has demanded that she talk funny instead, and when Hermione does speak normally, Veronica is unable to understand her.
  • Third-Person Person: Archie is frequently prone to this.
    Archie: Archie likes Archie’s privacy.
  • Unrelated in the Adaptation: The Coopers and The Blossoms.
