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Web Original / WHAT COLOR ARE YOU?

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Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink; which of the rainbow's hues are you? take our fun quiz to find out! (*・‿・)ノ⌒*:・゚✧

WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? is an online quiz/story/pseudo-interactive narrative experience made on by ColorsQuiz. Purporting to be an ordinary personality test to determine what color you are, things start off normally, though the tone quickly darkens as the text begins to distort and the questions change from innocuous ones about your favorite animal or day of the week to asking if you're afraid.

What follows is an exploration of free will and predestination, as the quiz abandons the format of a quiz and the idea of a fourth wall to instead address the player directly and conduct you on a Choose Your Own Adventure-style journey through a vast labyrinth to face a variety of perils as you search for your ULTIMATE DESTINY.

Tropes in this quiz include:

  • Allegorical Character: All of the characters encountered during the game are allegories of personality flaws and dysfunctions.
    • The knight is devotion to work at the expense of rest or moderation, and collapses in exhaustion.
    • The imp is rigidity, blowing itself up in frustration over a wasted 10 seconds instead of accepting that things didn't go according to plan.
    • The snake is complacency, sitting motionless and eating mice for so long that its muscles wasted away and it became too weak to even cough up the one that becomes stuck in its throat, choking to death on its own meal.
    • The tree is denial, refusing to contemplate that the soil she eats might not be good for her and attributing all evidence to the contrary as simply signs of old age, up until one of her branches breaks and she's forced to face the truth.
    • The fish is arrogance, ignoring the player's warnings and the evidence of his own eyes in order to convince himself that he can fly, and kills himself by dashing against the wall he thought that he would fly over.
    • The noble is materialism, preferring to hoard their cake alone instead of sharing even though they admit that there's so much that they could never eat it all and breaking down in tears when they realize how completely they've isolated themselves.
    • The angel is blind obedience, so devoted to God that just the idea of going against God's will made it angry enough to literally explode.
  • Angst Nuke:
    • The imp becomes so upset at you disturbing it and causing it to waste 10 precious seconds of its relaxing time that it explodes into a ball of fire, which burns down the gate it was perched on top of.
    • When the player not only refuses to follow the angel and return to God's path for them but tells the angel that they don't want the destiny God has planned for them, the angel becomes so enraged that it explodes in a burst of divine light.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Commented on by the quiz's creator after the game segment. Even though the various characters had widely different philosophies and you could choose different options when interacting with them, all of them ended up destroying themselves and the player's choices didn't affect the outcomes at all. They then wonder if that's just how the universe is, and if no one's choices mean anything more than the hapless player in the game's.
    "Uquiz doesn't have branching paths, it's not like your choices mattered anyway. It all leads to the same fate."'
  • Bittersweet Ending: To the quiz as a whole. Even though the game ended sadly, there were still moments of joy in it, like befriending the mouse, the beautiful rose in the garden, and having fun splashing in the fountain. Those moments of life and hope still made the creator happy, and leads them to realize you don't need to try and pack meaning into life: the meaning comes from the things you feel, not from the things you do. The quiz ends with them asking you one final question, as they decide to finish the quiz that they had originally derided as pointless and stupid: what's your favorite color?
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: The quiz's creator quickly tires of asking questions and addresses the viewer directly, asking why they bothered to make a quiz about what color you are, what that even means, and why someone would want to take such a stupid quiz. They then tell you that since you clearly have to time spare since you're taking such an asinine quiz, you probably have enough time to play a game with them, and starts to direct you on a Chose Your Own Adventure-style game.
  • But Thou Must!:
    • When the quiz first begins to address you directly and the text distorts as the creator starts to speak to you without without the quiz questions, your only options to reply become all blank spaces, or all the same distorted text blocks that the questions became.
    • During the game portion of the quiz, you can give a variety of responses to the various creatures you encounter, but all of them will lead to the same responses because uquiz lacks the ability to program Story Branching into its quizes. This causes the creator to wonder what the point of your journey was if You Can't Fight Fate.
  • Downer Ending: To the game segment: the player is killed by a collapsing wall right before reaching the castle, and never achieves their destiny. The creator lampshades how depressing that was, commenting that "All that did was make me sadder."
    "You die. You never achieved your destiny or found your purpose. You died without a name in a world that will forget you. GAME OVER."
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Right when the player is about to reach the castle, the stone wall in front of it collapses, and the player is unceremoniously crushed to death by a chunk of stone.
  • Emoticon: As part of the cutesy and innocent air that the quiz seeks to initially give off, all of its questions initially have a cute emoticon accompanying them, such as (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) and ※\(^o^)/※. The first question that lacks one, "Are you afraid", also marks the turning point for the quiz becoming much deeper and less light-hearted.
  • Gamebooks: After the creator tires of making a personality test, they change it into being a journey through a vast and dangerous labyrinth in order to reach a grand castle, with gamebooks as the clear inspiration. However, as it's hosted on uquiz, there are no branching options and all choices give the same results: you cannot save the creatures you encounter during your journey, and you will always die before you reach your destiny. The creator comments on this, wondering if this means that the journey was pointless since your choices all had the same results.
  • Genre Shift: About a third of the way through, the quiz shifts from being an ordinary personality test to a fourth wall-breaking Chose Your Own Adventure-style game.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Right after declaring that they will never give into weakness by taking a break and that they're ready to stand guard day and night for the rest of eternity if they must, the knight collapses from exhaustion and passes out.
  • Nameless Narrative: While you enter a name for yourself at the start of the quiz, it's never used and the player is only addressed as 'you'. Likewise, the creator/narrator never gives their name, and all the characters encountered during the game segment are simply called things like 'the snake' or 'the noble' by them.
  • No Indoor Voice:
    • The knight is constantly shouting at the top of their lungs, with all their dialog being shown in all-caps.
    • The angel also speaks in all-caps, as it is always yelling.
  • Our Angels Are Different: One appears to the player near the end of their journey during the game segment to try and guide them back to God's path for them, looking like a giant eyeball with four wings. They become enraged when the player refuses to follow them, declaring that they must be lost and deluded to think that they know better. They eventually become so enraged that they explode in a burst of divine light and white feathers, leaving behind only their eye.
  • Painting the Medium: When the creator first starts to communicate to you directly, there's several pages of nothing but distorted Zaglo text in both the questions and answers you can choose before the normal quiz questions resume, which return when the creator abandons the format of a quiz entirely.
  • Plant Person: A talking tree with a human face is encountered in the garden of the labyrinth. She calls the player sickly and invites them to stay and absorb nutrients from the dirt with her to recover, and is willfully oblivious to the fact that she's in poor health herself.
  • Precision F-Strike: Question 36 contains the quiz's sole use of the word "fuck".
  • Screw Destiny:
    • The player attempts to defy the fate God has planned for them by refusing to follow the angel and abandon their quest for the castle, much to the angel's shock and rage.
    • The ultimate ending to the quiz. After over a hundred pages of questions- some utterly mundane, some deep and philosophical, the final one is simply the creator asking you what your favorite color is. Whatever it is you chose, that is the one it tells you that you are.
  • Self-Deprecation: The quiz creator calls a quiz to determine what color you are stupid and pointless, saying that making it was a complete waste of time that could've been spent on something more important.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: The ending of the game segment, where after undergoing a long journey through the night and seeing a number of strange and wondrous things in the labyrinth, the player finally sees the sun rising and realizes that the castle they've been searching for is right in front of them... and is immediately killed when a chunk of stone breaks off one of the castle walls.
  • Take That, Audience!: After bitterly concluding that their quiz was a waste of time and that they can feel their life slipping away from them, the creator demands to know why the viewer is taking such a stupid quiz and if you even realize how much of your life you're wasting by taking it.
  • Visible Silence:
    • The quiz gives you "..." after the abrupt ending of the game segment, indicating that even the creator was surprised by how quick and depressing what just happened was.
    • After giving a nihilistic rant about how pointless the entire journey seemed and wondering if any of their choices mattered at all, the creator again goes silent, giving only a "..." to indicate that they're still in conversation with the reader.
  • Workaholic: The knight, who is so dedicated to their job of standing guard that they won't take a break until they become so tired that they pass out on the spot.
