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WMG / Translations Gone Wrong

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders don't know what they're talking about
The Translation Gone Wrong for Babs Seed is "Meme Seed". Maybe, Babs introduced them to The Internet somehow and that's where they learnt all the cuss words and the word "sluts". Seeing as they're not making any sense, it's possible they're just being random and are using those words because they don't know what they mean.
Guesses about the plots of the songs
  • In "Meme Seed", Babs has shown the CMC the Internet before becoming a bully and they try to use some words they learnt on the Web. All the while, they really have to pee and have to deal with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Babs bullying them.
  • In "Hearts as Strong as Horses", they continue to be fascinated by the dirty words they learnt, while they are determined to get Sensei to release their mothers, who are in jail.
  • In "Can I Do it On My Own?", Zephyr Breeze is planning to sell the wig he's making by "knocking a girl out" with it, possibly with the help of someone called Mr Tool.
