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WMG / Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

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Fern will become a Ranger.
She and Izzy will be a Battle Couple.
  • Jossed. Fern does discover Izzy is a Ranger, but is written out mid-way through the second half of Dino Fury to attend an out-of-town sports college, returning eventually in the Dino Fury finale.
  • If Kyuranger's next to be adapted, she may return in Cosmic Fury as a Ranger or an ally in the fight for Earth.

Confirmed! Fern will be suiting up as the Orange Ranger.

If they end up adapting Kyuranger for Cosmic Fury, Ollie will end up contracting some kind of space lycanthropy
Which would justify the wolfish aspects of Kyuranger’s Blue Ranger suit.

If Cosmic Fury is Kyuranger, some of the team's colours will be shuffled around.
  • Ollie:
    • He'll become the Yellow Ranger to match with his swordsmanship, and potentially adapt Raptor's crush on him so Amelia can stay pink.
    • He could also become Silver, since Naga was also the Smart Guy of the team.
  • Aiyon:
    • Red, since Zayto might be unable to join them in his new form - which highly resembles that of a Morphin' Master. Therefore it'd make sense for Aiyon's arc to put him in a leadership position.
    • Yellow. Going from Mosasaurus to swordfish.
  • Izzy: Since it wouldn't make sense for Izzy to be forced into another skirted role, it's most likely she'll become one of the originally male rangers.
    • Red. It's the most standard male outfit, and then they could reference the Ship Tease between Lucky and Hammie if Fern were to become Green.
    • Black. She'll be injured and forced to use a reinforced ranger suit when fighting.
    • Yellow, which is the second-most standard male outfit.
  • Javi:
    • Orange, following an arc where he gets brainwashed briefly.
    • Blue, getting the space lycanthropy like was suggested for Ollie.
  • Zayto:
    • He'll become Houou soldier after finding a way to get fully restored to life.
  • All of the above are jossed with Zayto becoming the "champagne colored" Zenith Ranger and Amelia becoming Red in his place.

Solon will become Ryu Commander/Cosmic Fury Purple
She's the only ally the rangers have who's also a suit character, and just so happens to be a big lizard like Shou Ronpo.

The team will encounter the supposedly "unadaptable" teams in space
This way they could showcase some footage from Zyuohger, ToQger, and LuPat without having to deal with the various reasons why Hasbro doesn't want to adapt them.
  • Zyuohger could have the rangers use the Zyumen forms (using Bud for Red) with the Sixth either using Rhino or an unique suit, or just not showing up unmorphed.
  • Lu Pat could be a special SPD team with two squads, one for offense and one for defense.
  • Toqger could be trains in space.
  • Further, some of the pre-Zyuranger and post-Ryusoulger seasons could also appear if Hasbro is able to get the rights to do so. We’ve already seen some of the pre-Zyu ones in the comics. Given Beast Morphers and Ninja Steel, who’s to say we don’t also get some Metal Heroes as well?

The first episode will be called "Chase into Cosmic"
The franchise has always loved a callback to a major episode title ("Day of the Dino", anyone?), and the setup certainly seems reminiscent of the Turbo finale - the team realizes an enemy is still at large and get ready to chase after them; and said enemy is a major antagonist from the teams' past

Jossed: The first episode is called 'Lightning Strikes'.

Cosmic Fury's final villain will be a revived Dark Specter
He will obviously take after Don Armage, explaining his backstory (born from negative emotions and dark energy that spread throughout the universe), and his final form will be handwaved as him absorbing the essences of villains through the entire series, as well as the essences of the Morphin' Grid and the multiverse themselves. He will aim to return the multiverse into nothing, where there is no Morphin' Grid to power the Rangers throughout history.

Jossed: While Dark Spectre is mentioned, the season's final threat is the damaged Master Captivator, a device storing all the powers of the captive Morphing Masters and Lord Zedd. The cracks in the Captivator threatening to unleash an evil energy wave similar to the one released by Zordon's sacrifice in Power Rangers In Space only it will wipe out all the forces of good in the universe.

SPD will play a part in the season
We're getting closer to the year that SPD took place in, after all. Maybe one of the B-Squad Rangers will make an appearance during an episode set on Earth. Hell, if they adapt Kyuranger, they could even adapt the crossover.
  • SPD could reveal itself and promise to defend Earth with A-Squad while the Dino Fury Rangers take off to find help.
  • With Solon's voice actress, Morgana could appears as one of Lord Zedd's monster makers to ingratiate herself to him before she aligned with Grumm. Most likely as a means to regain her youth as Mora with her own agenda.
  • The A-Squad could also make a one-off appearance (probably with different voice actors), because female reds.
  • Olivia James-Baird will play "Morgana". Someone who doesn't know Mora is Morgana's kid self will notice Morgana looks like an older Mora.
  • An age-altering monster will be used to explain the B-Squad Rangers looking so old.

Jossed: Other than a mention of New Tech City, none of this happens in the season

We'll see the "great evil" threatened Rafkon in the past
And it'll be the equivalent of Jark Matter. Or could be Lord Zedd himself.
  • It will be revealed that the Sporix had fended them off in the past before turning on their masters. Lord Zedd would revive them under his command for his new conquest.

Kyuranger's suits will be slowly revealed as an suit upgrade while battles are filmed with Dino Fury powers.
  • Think Super Mega Mode but done with more tact. They uncover the equivalent of the Kyutamas and have them interface with their morphing energies.
    • Alternatively, the Kyuranger suits will be of veteran Rangers who use new powers to help the current team.
    • Simon Bennett has confirmed on Twitter that they don't even have the suits in New Zealand plus the Kyutamas are present in the concept art in Izzy's morpher implying they will gain them early on.

Cosmic Fury will be split into four story arcs of ten episodes.
  • The first will be the chase into space and establishing the new normal for the characters before the next arcs slowly introduce old friends along with old foes.
    • Alternatively, a shorter season will be compensated by forty plus long episodes. They kind that can be edited into two parters for broadcast television if so decided.
    • Simon Bennett has refuted the rumour of 40 minute long episodes, though he didn't specify if it was still 22 minutes, and he's confirmed that it's 10 episodes for the whole show.

The 30th anniversary special will be a Spiritual Adaptation of the Super Legends video game
Obviously, it won't be a direct adaptation, but the same basic premise could work, with The Green Morphin Master taking the place of the Future Omega Ranger in creating a team of rangers to put a stop to Zedd's plan.

Lord Zedd will lay seige to Earth with Rangers from SPD and Grid Battleforce holding the fort.
  • The Dino Fury Team take off in Underhenge in hopes of assembling a calvary to liberate Earth.
Confirmed: Zedd's forces take over Earth and Ranger teams are mentioned to be resisting, with a few, like Heckle and Billy, appearing.

Lord Zedd will be the show's equivalent to Dr. Anton (The Kyuranger Anton)
]We have the Zedd from the Zordon era who was purified by the Z-Wave and turned human. And while Robert Axelrod has passed, his suit actor who also played his purified human form is still alive. And then we have the still evil Zedd revived pre-marriage that opposes the Dino Fury Rangers. This is just like Dr. Anton having both a good and evil half. The good Zedd will reveal himself and may have built Champ's Power Rangers counterpart.

Jossed: Zedd's human self does not appear

The team will be joined by a trio of kaijin aliens.
They will be a trio of orange, silver and yellow rangers respectively who control their respective colored zords.
  • Make it a quad to include the pink ranger, since Amelia is promoted to red.
  • Alternatively, said Zords would be fully sapient ala Ninjor.

Zedd will gain a final form adapted from Don Armage's final form

There will be a villain civil war
The factions being monsters who respect the legend of Zedd and pledge loyalty to him versus monsters loyal to a new villain who says Zedd's time passed long ago.

Kyuranger will be adapted fully after Dino Fury’s third season.
  • That is, Cosmic Fury’s brand will be continued but passed onto a new team after the old team steps down, one donning new suits after inherenting the zords.

Jossed: The Cosmic Fury Rangers are encouraged to continue on their adventures

The purified Lord Zedd will sacrifice himself to destroy his revived evil form.

Mick will meet up with the team giving them the zords from his home in the Lion Galaxy
  • He along with Princess Viera will provide a zord that will be key to taking the fight to Zedd.

Toqger, Zyuohger, & Lupat villains will appear in Cosmic Fury but as friend and foe.
  • Gritta will be a good alien, a Princess of a planet that Zedd threatens as well. Schwarz will be one of Zedd's right hand men in pursuing the Rangers through space, possibly having betrayed Gritta.
  • Naria would show up as a benevolent alien, possibly one of the kaijin Zord pilots.

Unadapted Ryusoulger footage will be utilized such as with Ryusoul Brown.
  • It would save on costs even if most of the ground footage will be original. That said, a Brown Ranger would make for a good sixth Ranger. Mayhaps a depowered veteran who shares their current team's power to help.

Someone will call Lord Zedd by the name of Ed.
Either one of Zedd's subordinates, the Rangers or he will get a phone call from either an unseen Rito so there isn't any need to make a new costume, or they will use stock footage.

Zedd will rebuild Serpentera in the form of Ryu Voyager and turn Ollie and Fern into his evil Cyan Bear and Orange Scorpion Rangers to form a megazord with him.
Seriously, look at that zord and tell me it doesn't look like Serpentera.

This is the last ever season of Power Rangers.
The next one hasn't been announced yet, and that usually happens a year in advance. Also, the production in New Zealand has closed down.

Power Rangers is going on a hiatus for a few years until they get a plan together for how to continue it

Confirmed: There will be no Power Rangers season in 2024 and lines like the Lightning Collection will be paused that year. The next Power Rangers season will be the Johnathan Entwhistle-led hard reboot for young adult audiences and will reportedly not even use footage from Super Sentai, the popular Japanese based series who's source material served as the basis for the programme's suits and mecha for over thirty years.

Who will pilot which Zord
Since they’re only using Zord footage and there are 9-13 Zords depending on what footage they use (the Red ranger had two in the Sentai iirc) here are some guesses
  • Amelia-Red Cosmic Ranger-Shishi Voyager and Washi Voyage: This one seems straight for award as she is becoming the Red Ranger. She’ll also command the Pink Zord remotely
  • Billy Cranston Blue Mmpr Ranger- Ookami Voyager: This is a Wolf Zord and Billy’s spirit animal is a wolf as shown in season 3 when he’s empowered by Ninjor.
  • Javi-Black Cosmic Ranger-Oushi Voyager: He’ll be staying as Black Ranger
  • Izzy-Green Cosmic Ranger-Chameleon Voyage: She’ll be staying as Green Ranger
  • Ollie-Blue Cosmic Ranger-Ooguma Voyager: He’s the other blue Ranger and there’s another blue Zord
    • Problem is a behind the scenes photo shows Aiyon piloting Ooguma.
  • Aiyon-Gold Cosmic Ranger-Tenbin Voyager: He’ll be staying as Gold Ranger
  • Zayto-Zenith-Ranger-Hebitsukai-He’s changed color this matches him possibly pairing up with Aiyon as Gold and Silver who are paired in the Sentai
    • Houou Voyager: It being phoenix themed would match him coming back from the dead.
  • Fern-Orange Cosmic Ranger-Sasori Voyager: She’s set to become the Orange Ranger
  • Minh Kwan-Trini’s daughter and successor as MMPR Yellow Ranger-Kajiki Voyager: They set her up as Yellow Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always,hopefully not for nothing
  • Mick-Ninja Steel Red Ranger III-Houou Voyager: There’s a second Res Ranger in the Sentai

If they decide to address the changing of the red of Dino Charge Dark's helmet to silver in-universe...
Heckyl changed it in honor of Zenowing.


The mere mention of a Great Offscreen War involving other Ranger teams battling Zedd's forces means the unadapted Sentai teams will get their own share of the limelight in side stories.

The loose ends will be tied up in the comics.

A more "proper" Kyuranger adaptation is happening in the RPM Universe.
We know very little about the RPM-verse beyond what we saw in RPM. So maybe it had the same history until a certain point-and thus, it might have more Rangers out there in the cosmos.
  • As an addendum, perhaps adaptations of all of the modern Sentai series that were skipped (ToQger, Zyuohger, Kyuranger, LuPat, and Kiramager) are happening in the RPM or Dino Charge Universes.

Lord Zedd does not know Ollie's name
Go back and rewatch their scenes; Zedd only ever calls him "child" or "boy". Some of the other villains like Bajillia call Ollie by his name, but never Zedd. This is either hilarious (Zedd covering his flayed ass) or tragic (now that he belongs to Zedd, Ollie won't be needing a name anymore.)
