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WMG / NieR Re[in]carnation

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Re[in]carnation is a tie-in to an upcoming Nier game that hasn't been announced as of writing this

  • Specifically, it's about the world where the Memory Characters are from.

The Cage is the actual land of the gods from Drakengard.

  • This would explain the gods' incredible detest of humanity; we keep invading their world in our dreams.
    • Averted. It's actually the moon base.

Future Crossovers with other Yoko Taro/Square-Enix Games

  • While it's a given they'll have one with NieR: Automata, there will just as likely be one with Nier to allow players to recruit both Child and Adult Nier, if not even Father Nier. If they do bring in Drakengard, it would also allow not just the second game, but Drakengard 3 to crossover (especially if both Zero and Caim shit-talk Nowe).
    • Slightly confirmed for both Nier and Drakengard 3 collab events as of the JPN server. The Nier: Replicant collab releases Brother Nier (post-time skip), Kainé and Emil as playable in Reincarnation, while Weiss serves as a Companion unit. Father Nier, on the other hand, is a costume for Argo. For the Drakengard 3 collab, only Zero is released as playable, along with Mikhail as a Companion, while Fio and Akeha get One’s and Two’s costumes, respectively in the gacha.
  • Despite Yoko Taro saying otherwise, someone would eventually find a way to connect Reincarnation with SINoALICE. It's only a matter of time before someone gets the idea to bring the Cage and Library together.
    • Somewhat confirmed - a NieR series collaboration event on their side is set to happen on 23 May 2022, with Fio and Mama coming in as a duo unit. Time will tell when the cast of SINoALICE will appear in the Cage, though.
    • They do not, but there are unique SINoALICE costumes and an event sidequest where you fight Parrah and Noya.

Future arcs and chapters

  • After the conclusion of both Levania and Fio’s story, aka “The Story of the Girl and the Monster”, there was a teaser of the next story, “The Story of the Sun and the Moon”. So, following the tradition of Drakengard and Nier series, there will be a total of five story Arcs/Branches/Endings. Like the first main story arc, each future arc will have a total of twelve chapters with ten new Memory Characters plus two new protagonists.
    • Averted. There are only three arcs, and the latter two have six chapters each. Considering how neatly the story wraps up, it's also highly unlikely that the game was originally planned with 5 arcs.

Each of the stories is set within a different timeline in the Nier universe
For example, one is of if the aliens from Automata were flowers and instead of YoRHa androids fighting them, it's clones.

Accord will eventually make an appearance
Either as a story character, a playable character, both or a costume.
  • Confirmed, although only as a part of a story told in-universe rather than as a physically present character.

Future crossovers with other properties

  • Persona 5 just about does crossovers with every gacha under the sun. The Cage being an untapped part of the Metaverse would be one way to explain how the Phantom Thieves end up there.
    • Confirmed. There will be a P5 crossover.
  • Final Fantasy XIV to continue the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse story, most likely showing what happened during Konogg's travels after The Tower at Paradigm's Breach up to the story's sad conclusion.
    • The 1st Anniversary livestream confirmed there will be one in Summer 2022. So, stay tuned for more information.
    • Jossed on it being about Konogg. It's about Emet-Selch.
The main setting is in the very distant future of Automata
In Dimos's "Dissenting Gunman" Story, the date is set as November 13, 23941, a good 13,000 years AFTER Automata's story!

Since all that's up on the Moon is the human genome sequence, the Resistance brings the human race back to life before going into a total Medieval Stasis once more.

  • Well, it's after Automata, all right. The main setting is actually within the human server on the moon, though, not on Earth.

The Cage is a database created by Accord.
  • As revealed by The People and the World, it's certainly a database, but nothing on Accord's involvement just yet.
    • Averted. Accord isn't involved with the story at all except for a minuscule cameo bordering on easter egg.

There are other Cursed Gods besides just the Moose
There was a fish looking shadow, and there's a good chance there'll be a Boar-shaped Cursed God that's modeled after the same ones from Nier and Automata, who along with moose are also the only organic animals on earth after Project YoRHa's end.
  • Confirmed, at least in part, as of Sun and Moon chapter 3 - the giant fish are also Cursed Gods (in particular, Hina refers to them as resembling a coelacanth)

There's a connection between the black birds and the Cursed Gods
The Cursed Gods want to ensure humanity's destruction by warping the memories in the Cage, so they created the black birds as a means to do so.
  • Confirmed. Both are actually viruses sent by Her to destroy the Moon Server.

Levania's species of dream eaters are the true forms of the crows
They only look like crows primarily as A Form You Are Comfortable With as well as Perception Filter
  • Jossed.

Hina and Yuzuki are siblings and their parents are divorced
We see in Yuzuki's first flashback that at one point, he did have a sibling whose silhouette appears vaguely female. Given how close Hina is to her father, and how close Yuzuki is to his mother, it's possible that the circumstances leading to their parents' divorce led to each parent gaining custody of the other. As for the discrepancy in family name - since Yuzuki lives with his mother, perhaps he took on her maiden name in place of his father's family name, especially since it is implied his father was physically abusive towards his mother.
  • Confirmed!

There will be ten new Memory Characters debut in Arc 3
From Arc 1 and 2, we got a total of 20 Memory Characters. While there are five 1H Sword users, the other weapon users each have three Memory Characters. So in Arc 3, there will be ten new characters: two Spear users, two 2H Sword users, two Staff users, two Gun users and two Fists users. And right now, there are currently eleven female characters and nine male characters, so we might be expecting about four new female characters and six new male characters in the future.
  • Jossed. No new memory characters appear in Arc 3.

The People and the World possible scenarios/alternate selves
So far, Fio, Noelle, Argo, Akeha, Saryu, and Priyet have been featured in the third arc.
  • Rion, Yudil & Sarafa - we see Yudil pulling Rion along after Dimos falls, and we can guess Yudil and Sarafa "share" a Scarecrow like Priyet and Saryu did. Rion's alternate self could be a version of him who became as warmongering as his father, while Yudil/Sarafa's could be about their never meeting or one of them killing the other instead of the canonical double murder.
    • Confirmed for Rion and Yudil being featured. Yudil's scarecrow focuses more on him learning that the princess and the fortune teller are one and the same, so Sarafa features indirectly. (Lars also cameos, but his role doesn't amount to much.)
  • Lars, Hina & Yuzuki - In his little cameo, Lars talks about being all alone, so we can conclude he hasn't met Griff or anyone else. Hina and Yuzuki are canonically wandering the Cage, so it's possible one/both of them bump into Lars, and the parallels (about family murder, natch) would be interesting to see. Lars' alternate self could be about him never finding out about his biological family, while Hina/Yuzuki's could be about their Dark Weapon stories or a continuation of a Sun/Moon ending where one of them won/lost.
  • Lars & Griff - Lars seems to be having a crisis about being alone, so it's a perfect time for Griff to be a surrogate father figure.
  • 063y & F66x - Couple time, plus some resolution for how those Character Stories ended.
    • See below entry.
  • ?, Yurie & Marie - With the remarks about "reaching the edge of the Cage", there are probably major lore drops incoming, especially with that character silhouette of the character with a headset. Yurie and Marie are from the furthest-advanced time period, so will be well-equipped to exposit. Gayle, 063y and F66x are familiar enough with technology to understand, and while it's tough to tell with Lars and Griff their time period seems advanced enough that they could at least comprehend the idea of a computer, so any of them could slot in.
    • The focus characters are initially Griff and Yurie, but Marie, 063y, and F66x also show up. Marie and Yurie, as well as 063y and F66x, get some character resolution.
  • Dimos, [headset silhouette], [other new character] - He's almost definitely not dead, and since the silhouette dropped we are not restricted to existing characters as we were lead to believe.

Lars will be going inside a Scarecrow to escape the Cage
We see that not everyone got the "none of you are real and the place where you exist is currently being destroyed by an unknown force that might be the program glitching out" memo, and in his cameo Lars seems quite distressed about being alone. It's not impossible that he might try to skedaddle back into a relevant/convenient Scarecrow, only to kick off the plot of his focus chapter when he brings something out, since it's established that at least people can move out of the Scarecrows they were originally "contained" in, c.f. the Old Man/Boy.

The "absolute being" Carrier got powers from is...
  • God, who disapproved of Carrier dropping plot details too early.
  • Whoever's in charge of the Cage - a lead programmer, perhaps? Possibly (also) Yoko Taro himself.
    • Jossed so far. The Cage is the human server on the moon, and 10H seems too nice to give Carrier powers.
  • The Deleted User.
