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WMG / Joseph: King of Dreams

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Asenath is the daughter of Potiphar's twin brother.
Assuming that in this version Asenath's father's name is Potipherah, it's quite likely that Potipherah is Potiphar's twin brother. In "Joseph and his brothers" novel by Thomas Mann Potiphar himself was born as a result of twincest. Perhaps twins run in this family.
The reasons Benjamin did not turn out like Jospeh
There's a number of factors that could play as to why Benjamin, presumably raised with the same "you're better"-mentality as Joseph, and to add overprotection to it, seems to be very different.- when Joseph is introduced as a teenage hes clearly a little egotistical, holier than thou, and full of himself. Benjamin on the other hand, at that same age is shown to be shy, awkward and clearly humble.It's shown at the same time the brothers have learned from their past and embraced Benjamin as their own despite Jacob's raising. But there's also a chance Benjamin is just naturally a bit more humble. His father telling him all of this is clearly elderly, perhaps he takes it with a grain of salt as opposed to Joseph who honestly believes it. We can assume Benjamin has talents similar to Joseph but just enjoys himself.
  • Also, remember that Benjamin's mother suffered a Death by Childbirth due to him. There's probably a mountain's worth of survivor's guilt going on as well.
Akhenaten is the pharaoh of Joseph
If we look closely we can see that the structure of the pharaoh's face is quite similar to that of one of Akhenaten's statues. The same happens in the prince of Egypt that the face of Ramses and that of his father agree with those of their historical counterparts.
