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Tear Jerker / Joseph: King of Dreams

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  • All of Miracle Child: At first, Joseph's brothers are so happy for their new baby brother and look forward to raising him, only for Jacob to keep them separated and granting Joseph special privileges such as an education and a beautiful coat. We see their relationship break down over time, as Joseph grows up spoiled and arrogant ("I am special, I am smart / I am somehow set apart") while his brothers resent him as shown by their angry expressions. If only they had gotten to know each other...
    • Their lines at the beginning of the song (which is the only time they sing) are interrupted by Jacob's lyrics. During the scene, Jacob is excitedly carrying around his new baby and when the brothers try to get a better look, he pulls the wall of the tent, blocking their view.
  • Once Joseph settles into life at Potiphar's estate, he gains his new master's respect and trust. He's even allowed to paint the walls of his room with images from his home. That's when Potiphar's wife decides to make advances on him...
  • Joseph's grim interpretation of the Baker's dream of carrying baskets of bread and getting attacked by birds. He initially claims that he does not know what the dream means, but the Baker immediately sees through this lie. With a heavy sigh, Joseph reluctantly confesses to the horrified baker that he has three days left to live until he'll be executed, whereupon buzzards will scavenge upon his remains.
    • Three days later, the prisoners are sitting quietly in the cell, the Baker is shown looking downcast. He picks a piece of fruit up, only to put it down again, having lost his appetite. Then the door suddenly creaks open and the Baker's gasp of horror says it all. As the guard leads the Baker away, Joseph can barely bring himself to look at the Egyptian, especially as the latter mournfully notes that he was right. All Joseph can do is sigh remorsefully, knowing that there’s nothing he can do for the poor man.
    Baker: You knew! You knew! That's not a gift! It's a curse!
  • Try listening to "You Know Better Than I" without shedding a tear. We dare you.
  • Joseph's reaction to seeing his brothers again. He flashes back to the day they received silver for his body. You can't blame him for confronting them and calling them liars because they betrayed him as a child for the crime of being arrogant.
  • The brothers aren't happy when they learn that the pharaoh's vizier takes one of them hostage and demands they produce their "other" brother at home. You can clearly tell they're thinking This Is Gonna Suck about how Jacob will react.
  • Joseph finds out from Benjamin that their mother is dead. He's understandably sorrowful, sympathetic, and a little envious because he sees how the other brothers treat his half-sibling.
  • "Because I will not let our father suffer...again."
  • Happy tears, but Joseph being reunited with his father after twenty years and running to meet him packs a punch.
