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Video Game / 2XKO

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2XKO (known for years before its release by its codename Project L) is an upcoming free-to-play 2 vs. 2 Tag Team Fighting Game created by Riot Games as a part of the League of Legends franchise, set to release some time in 2025.

The gameplay of 2XKO is very similar to other fighting games of its ilk such as Marvel vs. Capcom, with the player taking control of two champions lifted directly from the roster of the original MOBA, and having them freely tag between each other mid match, or call them for a quick assist attack. Unlike most tag team fighting games, 2XKO has multiple rounds per match, meaning that to win a standard game you must still win 2-out-of-3 rounds despite having to KO two champions to get there.

One key aspect of 2XKO that separates itself from its contemporaries is its focus on duos—if you don't want to learn how to play two separate champions, you can instead pair up with a friend and compete as a real life tag team duo with each player piloting their own champion. While this isn't exactly new to tag team fighting games, in the games that have it it's usually treated more as novelty mode, with the meat of the game still being one-on-one player matches. Here, Riot Games put special emphasis on the ability to compete as a team even when the opponent is still a single player, and are balancing the game around the idea of competing with either option.

Trailers: Official YouTube playlist of all trailers and Dev Diaries.

Playable Roster


This game provides examples of:

  • Air-Dashing: Currently, Ahri and Ekko are the two characters capable of dashing through the air, with Ahri being able to dash forward or backward and Ekko only being able to dash forward in a manner similar to a double jump.
  • Combo Breaker: The Dynamic Save mechanic, which allows your partner to burst out of an opponent's combo Guilty Gear style if the green meter below your health bar is filled. If the burst is blocked, it will backfire and cause your partner to get blown back, leaving them wide open for a combo as punishment.
  • Mana Meter: Interestingly, unlike most tag team fighting games where you have a single meter shared across your whole team, in 2XKO each character has their own personal meter that can go up to 3 levels each. Each character has three Ultimates they can do with it—two Level 1 Ultimates, and one cinematic Level 2 Ultimate.
  • Tag Team: You are given a wide variety of options for what your partner can do while they're hanging back—you can either tag into them directly, send them into do an air combo right after doing a special Launcher Move, tag them in during the time that they're on screen performing an assist, or calling them in to perform a second Ultimate after your first character does one, provided you're using the Double Down fuse.
