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Video Game / The Perfect Tower II

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The tower... and some new stuff.

The Perfect Tower II is a mashup of Idle Game and Tower Defense genres by Fire Sword Studios for computers running Windows (and smartphones in the future) made in Unity. It was released in closed alpha in August 2019, open alpha in October 2019, got a web release in November 2020, and Early Access on Steam in February 2021. It's the sequel to The Perfect Tower, taking place after its ending.

As in the original, your tower has to shoot at enemy cubes. As it does so, you earn XP to spend on upgrades in the current game and white resources to exchange for other resource types to spend on a dozen fleshed-out buildings both old and new. Other features include a module system for blueprints that puts more emphasis on strategy and customisation, an island you can decorate, and a major aesthetic upgrade.

This game provides examples of:

  • Aspect Ratio Switch: Boss intros are always done in a resolution much wider than your settings.
  • Character Customisation: You can customise your tower's color and shape. Unlike the original, the option to do so is available right from the start.
  • Colorblind Mode: The game has colorblind settings which include assistance for protanopia, deutranopia, tritanopia, and a no shader mode.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Every building has a specific color with a resource that corresponds to it.
  • The Computer Shall Taunt You: When the tower is destroyed, all enemies spin around in place to celebrate.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Different elements can be strong or weak against other elements, providing a damage multiplier that ranges from 0.25x to 2x. Higher difficulties use a factor of (x/100)^y*100%, with x being the default multiplier and y being the difficulty factor that ranges from 1 to 8. It can reduce to weak elemental matchups into almost No-Sell territory (relative to neutral damage), but it can also make strong ones much more painful.
  • Endless Game: Endless Mode lets you play a level as long as the tower doesn't fall.
  • Experience Meter: There's an experience bar at the bottom that fills as you play. Once it's full, you gain one skill point that can be used to improve a building.
  • Game Within a Game: The Arcade has a full-fledged Shoot 'Em Up game called Perfect Space. You can play it for pink resources and win tokens that can be spent on exclusive modules.
  • Hard Mode Perks: Harder difficulties provide more resources and a higher chance to unlock modules.
  • Infinity +1 Element: Universal enemies return, and while they're not immune to all other elements, they have a base damage multiplier of 0.25x for all eight special elements. The only attack types that are an exception are Neutral, which deals normal damage, and Universal, which has a base multiplier of 2x.
  • Item Crafting:
    • The Factory has a bunch of materials you can buy for red resources used to craft producers that automatically grant a certain number of a type of resource each second and machines that let you make more advanced materials.
    • The Museum lets you combine three power stones of the same tier to make stronger ones.
  • Konami Code: Entering the code in the Arcade lets you play Perfect Space, and after beating the aforementioned minigame once unlocks the Daigoparry module.
  • Life Drain: Lifesteal adds a percentage to damage dealt back to the tower's HP.
  • Limited Loadout: Unlike the original where you can have all upgrades at once, here you can only equip a certain amount of modules based on Workshop tier. You're able to equip up to 51 modules with Workshop tier XII and the Engineering skill, which still offers a lot of room for a strong build.
  • Mighty Glacier: The Granite Foundation module turns your tower into one. It offers up to 200x as many hitpoints as Stone Foundation, but it also decreases attack speed by up to 70% (decreseable with higher upgrade tiers).
  • New Game Plus: Resetting a Headquarters tier makes you lose blueprints and all resources, but you unlock new things and military perks in exchange.
  • Non-Elemental: The Neutral element does not have its damage affected by any elemental multipliers.
  • Prolonged Video Game Sequel: There are fifteen regions playable on seven difficulties plus challenges (as opposed to one with eight) and a lot of stuff to unlock in a dozen island buildings (as opposed to the original town's six).
  • Random Drop: Every playthrough of a level grants a random chance to unlock a new module with a chance of base drop chance * player bonuses * difficulty factor * log(current wave/10). It's best to do multiple short runs on a higher difficulty than one long run in endless mode.
  • Regenerating Health: The Basic Regeneration module provides passive health regeneration each second, albeit it's not a percentage-based value like in the previous game.
  • Shout-Out: The health bar in Perfect Space is identical to the one in Kingdom Hearts games.
  • Status Effects: Wizard enemies can use Slow to greatly decrease your tower's fire rate for some time.
  • Turns Red: Once Cylindro's below half HP, he'll mainly use a double-sided water blast that moves slightly faster than the tower, unless he decides to just slam you.
  • Underground Level: Region 4 is Underground. It's a dark mine with low visibility, making your cursor light it up.
  • Unlockable Difficulty Levels: There are seven difficulty levels for each region, with each succeeding setting unlocked once you beat the previous.
  • Visual Pun: The game represents waves with an icon that depicts the kind of wave a surfer would appreciate.
