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Video Game / Giga Sword

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GigaSword is an upcoming Metroidvania developed by Jack Breen, the head and only member of the company Studio Hybrid. In GigaSword, you play as Ezra, a warrior with a massive sword that weights him down. While Ezra holds the sword he can attack and activate certain doors and switches, but if he puts the sword down he is able to jump higher, roll farther, and wall jump.

Jack Breen has stated that his main inspirations for GigaSword include the likes of Shovel Knight, The Legend of Zelda and Axiom Verge, taking aspects of all three and more. Platforming from Shovel Knight and a map design from axiom verge create an interesting mesh already, but showing its inspiration from The Legend of Zelda on its sleeve, most every room is a puzzle, requiring usage of the unique mechanics of the sword to solve them.

GigaSword contains examples of

  • BFS: The sword wielded by Ezra is so huge it weighs him down.

  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: The Minotaur Boss wields a massive axe.

  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Downplayed as the tower itself isn’t evil, it’s just perceived that way.

  • Finishing Move: To kill the Minotaur boss Ezra twirls his sword before plunging it in his back.

  • Healing Checkpoint: the owl statues scattered around not only save your game, but heal you too.

  • HeartContainer: You can gain heart container in this game by collecting all the collectible feathers in an area, each heart container increases your life bar by one.

  • Ice Palace: The Frozen Spire on the far right is one.

  • Pit Trap: at the beginning of the game after the tutorial area, the player immediately falls down a pit into the game proper.
