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Useful Notes / Blake's 7 Actors

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The original seven, well, sixnote  (L to R): Michael Keating (Vila), Jan Chappell (Cally), Gareth Thomas (Blake), Sally Knyvette (Jenna), Paul Darrow (Avon), David Jackson (Gan)

A list of the actors who appeared in the British TV series Blake's 7 and its associated audio adaptations who have their own TV Tropes pages.

Many of the actors who appeared in the TV show reprised their roles in the audio dramas, but they are only listed in the TV section.

TV Series

Main Cast

Guest Actors

Audio Dramas

BBC Radio: The Sevenfold Crown and The Syndeton Experiment

B7 Productions: A Rebellion Reborn and The Early Years

Big Finish: The Liberator Chronicles and the full-cast dramas
