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Tropers / Yamthenokia

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Hey there, looks like you stopped by here for whatever reason. I'm yam, as you can see. I'm a Malaysian who's kind of mentally ill, ADHD 'n all but we won't get into that. Currently a student who doesn't do their homework and gets distracted easily, I spend most of my time here reading up on things like my favorite anime, movies, or even tropes themselves. Whether I'm ruined by this site or not is anyone's guess.

I make occasional edits to certain pages, mostly to either add info, edit some info if anything in canon has changed or is wrong, or just correct a misspelling. I'm pretty good at English, a little of biology and zoology so I have a lot on my plate.

I'm very big on monsters, worldbuilding and lore, as I am a writer for all of these. If i have the chance, I will' write lore for it. It goes mostly into my roleplays but sometimes I also do stories here and there, my current running (and postponed) one being a private Arknights fic.

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    Tropes I Probably Associate With 
These are Tropes that I probably associate with most, so take it with a grain of salt.

    Tropes I Like Most 
Some of my favorite Tropes.

    Tropes I Loathe 
Pretty obvious. I loathe some of them in different context.
