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Hello there. Hope you're having a good day.

Seems you decided to check out my page, so here is a bit about me:

Personal stuff:
Yep, that's me

Some media I consider myself a fan of (among many others):

    Alphabetical list inside 

    As a bonus, my favorite Pokémon of each type if you are interested

Other stuff:

Even before I created this account in 2017 I used to spend way to much time lurking on this site and it took until summer 2022 before I finally started to post regulary and even make some occasional minor edits to the wiki. Currently I am practicing creating my own artwork, though I probably wont post any of it online until it reached a point of quality I'm happy with.

I also have a long time fascination with mythology and folklore from all over the world and am always down to learn more.

And finally if you were wondering, my name being spelled uncertan instead of uncertain was me making a typo. An eternal reminder that I need to check my spelling.
