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Tropers / Tornado Advisory

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I'm currently 28 years of age and possess an affinity for fishing, aquarium keeping, photography, and Meteorology. I aim to go into the field of Graphic Design, as I feel like I might know a thing or two about designing logos and posters. I also enjoy doing silly impressions of fictional characters.

My goal around here is to try and spruce some pages up, correcting any grammar or spelling errors I might run into in the process. No one is perfect, so even I may make some goofs from time-to-time; you're free to fix said goofs up if need be (To be truthful, you'll probably do just that anyways). My gigantic ego won't be harmed, don't worry.

With all that out of the way, have a look at my personal trope list if you so choose...or be on your merry way, either's fine by me.

Personal trope list (UNDER CONSTRUCTION):

  • Afraid of Needles: I tend to get jumpy and anxious about any medical procedures involving needles, such as vaccines and blood tests. While it's subsided a fair bit as of late, I still get a bit nervous about said procedures.
  • Author Appeal: As I've written numerous original stories and crossover fanfic in the past, there are a few things fairly prominent in them:
    • Themes of revenge are highly prominent, whether it be an original character chasing after someone who committed some heinous crime or a character getting payback on someone who wronged them in their source material.
    • A few stories I've written involve a Mêlée à Trois situation happening; I find them really interesting to see play out. Which party goes after who? Who gets defeated first? Will any temporary alliances happen? So many different ways to have them play out.
    • I lean heavily towards ending things on a Bittersweet Ending with a tinge of optimism. While there will never be a Karma Houdini in the works I write, the protagonists will usually suffer a sizable casualty of some sort in the process of achieving their goal. Can't expect to beat the Big Bad without suffering a few scratches, right?
  • Berserk Button: I have many of them. They include, but are not limited to:
    • General idiocy; that is, if I don't find it funny.
    • People who claim that fish die in the aquarium setting all the time, as most of the time these same people think it's perfectly okay to keep goldfish in tiny fish bowls.
    • The mere mention of Gigguk, mainly because I find his humor and constant snarking about K-On! (Even during the Kyoto Animation tribute video, no less) long after the fact obnoxious.
    • In general, I tend to be very vocal in my disdain of media reviewers/critics (Especially anime ones), mainly due to how pretentious and arrogant a lot of them come off as. The ones who bash moe constantly and act like it's "ruining the anime industry" tend to draw my ire the most. Don't even get me started on the ones who genuinely think that their self-proclaimed scathing, snarky critiques require intelligence and deep thought to comprehend.
    • I tend to get highly annoyed when people try to correct me on something that doesn't drastically affect what I'm trying to get across in conversation, even when it amounts to a simple mixing up of words.
    • Brutal Honesty of any kind usually rubs me the wrong way. While I know some people who don't mind it or can at least blow it off, I will react very negatively to it.
    • I don't take kindly to being compared to Sheldon Cooper.
    • insulting Yui Hirasawa.
  • Big Eater: I have quite the large appetite, usually ordering more than just a value meal when I eat out and pretty much always going for seconds in general lunch/dinner settings.
  • Boring, but Practical: I've never been one for flashy and/or expensive ways to solve a problem, since most of the time they flat-out don't work. My family has even noted how practically-minded I am on multiple occasions.
  • Competition Freak: I get very competitive, even in friendly games.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: I have my moments. Among other things, I often find myself getting a little too attached to certain fictional characters, talking to myself, or bursting into hysterics at something most people wouldn't find funny.
  • Cuckoosnarker: I can flip between being sarcastic and saying/doing odd things at the drop of a hat. It becomes even more pronounced the more comfortable I feel with someone.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: I tend to wear dark-colored clothes more often than not, but I'm actually pretty friendly most of the time.
  • Deadpan Snarker: I'm more deadpan than a snarker, but I still won't hesitate to crack quips at people and/or certain situations when I'm sufficiently irritated. I've even had teachers in the past note my wry sense of humor.
  • Determinator: I survived SCIDS (Severe combined immunodeficiency) when I was very young to the bewilderment of both my parents and doctors, and as a result I love to beat the odds.
  • Does Not Like Spam: I consider pickles and olives to be disgusting. I'm also not terribly fond of spaghetti and turkey, though if push comes to shove I can at least tolerate the former.
  • Dreadful Musician: I'm not afraid to admit that I can't really sing to save my life, due to a mixture of low-confidence and a monotone voice. To be fair however, I tend to half-ass it as I'm not one who's exactly filled with confidence.
  • Everybody Hates Mathematics: Math was by far my worst subject back in school/college, and my least favorite subject as well.
  • Flowery Insults: I'm prone to throwing these around, mainly in regard to people or things that sufficiently aggravate me.
  • Fun T-Shirt: What I'm usually always wearing. They have said things such as, "CSI: Can't Stand Idiots", "I'm not lazy; I just really enjoy doing nothing", and my personal favorite, "Whatever."
  • The Gadfly: I'll sometimes say inane or blatantly egotistical things just to get reactions out of people.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: I admittedly have a rather short fuse; Thankfully, it's gotten better as I've gotten older and even then it doesn't usually show itself unless one of my berserk buttons are pressed. As a result I usually try to avoid confrontation if at all possible.
  • Has a Type: Appearance-wise, I have a thing for women with bobbed/shoulder-length brown hair. Everything else is pretty much optional.
  • Hates Being Touched: I generally don't like my personal space being invaded, though I'm far more lenient with this in regards to family members and close friends. I'm usually cool with hugs, but trying to touch me for no reason at all is a no-no.
  • Ironic Fear: I'm big into Meteorology and my username has the word 'tornado' in it, yet I greatly fear said tornadoes due to how powerful they are and how they can take everything away from you in an instant. While I'm not going to start hyperventilating at the mere picture of one, the mere possibility of an imminent tornado threat in my area will send me into panic mode.
  • It's Hard, So It Sucks!: While I will not immediately dismiss the game as "bad", I tend to have very little patience with video games that have high difficulty and thus avoid them. While I do like some pushback and being required to think carefully about how to progress, I don't consider dying on the same boss 20-30 times in order to beat it fun.
  • Nervous Tics: I have a few.
    • I find myself rubbing my forehead with my right hand when I'm sad and/or figuring out what to do for a family member or pet that's severely ill.
    • I'll often fiddle with my earlobes or gently bounce my head up-and-down on my left thumb when I'm trying to think of something.
    • For more general nervousness, I tend to chew my lips or the inside of my mouth; I used to chew my fingernails, but stopped. I'll also sometimes find small rubber or plastic objects nearby and fidget with them.
  • No Indoor Voice: My voice in real life is quite booming and carries a little too well. I always find myself having to be careful because people often misinterpret my normal speaking voice as screaming.
  • No Sense of Humor: To a slight extent. While I can find humor in things (Even if some of those things might be considered strange) and the task of actually getting me to laugh isn't the hardest thing to do, I won't react to or even get peeved by someone making a joke that I feel is at my expense, regardless of the actual intent.
  • No Social Skills: I was really bad with this early in my life; I would constantly miss social cues, blurt out inappropriate things, and would end conversations in a really abrupt manner. While I've gotten much better over time, my social awkwardness still shows on occasion.
  • Older Than They Look: I'm 28, yet probably look more around 17-18. That number probably goes down even lower whenever I randomly choose to shave my facial hair off.
  • The Quiet One: I tend to keep to myself in public settings, not really speaking unless directly spoken to and preferring to focus on my own business. I open up more around friends and family, though.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: If I'm sufficiently startled that is, and even then I'm usually screwing around and doing it on purpose for comedic effect. When it comes to stuff like people surprising me out of nowhere or jumpscares, the most I'll do is just flinch or blurt out profanity.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: I'd like to say that I have a very extensive vocabulary, though I don't usually like to actually use it for fear of coming off as condescending.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: I tend to find myself cursing a lot, and it only gets worse when I'm aggravated. As I've gotten older however, I've become better at knowing when and where to suppress it.
  • Sore Loser: I hate to lose, and even my whole family knows it because they'll never stop telling the story of how I flipped a game board against another classmate back in elementary school. For this very reason, I usually avoid competitive game environments and tournaments.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: I find myself eating chicken a lot, and I'm also really fond of mac & cheese.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: I'm rather terrified of heights; this stems from an incident when I was younger where I had fallen off a rather tall slide. This fear also prevents me from using things like ladders, because I'm afraid that I'll fall.
    • I also despise cicadas, especially those casings they leave behind.
    • As mentioned above, I'm also not good with medical procedures involving needles of any kind.
