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Many years ago, I was a fan of the YouTuber ZeroLenny. Well, ok, that's a poor choice of words. I still am a fan of the YouTuber ZeroLenny, enthusiastically so. However, I was also an extremely dumb 14-year-old who had very little understanding of the concept of parasociality. This led me to do many things within Lenny's community that I now regard as My Greatest Failure. Or rather, Failures, plural. I spammed unfunny phrases and edgy jokes, desperately clamoring for any attention MY STREEMUR would give me, until I was banned from Lenny's Twitch chat. I claimed to have learned my lesson, yet demonstrated the same behavior again and again on multiple alt accounts, each one getting struck down not long after its inception.

Being older and wiser, I have accepted the evils I committed in the past and moved forward, attempting to compensate for my actions through the creation and upkeep of the ZeroLenny TV Tropes page. Had I had this resource before, I would not have made the mistakes of my youth, as my energy would be focused toward cataloguing as much of Lenny's content as possible. Other ZeroLenny fans reading this, contributions are greatly appreciated.

TV Tropes has already ruined my life, many, many times over. Typically when I find a page that I really like, I will spend several months trying to make it into the most comprehensive possible font of information I can. This is why you may notice that my Edit History consists solely of scores of edits on a single work page and it's related pages. As can also probably be deduced from my edits, I am a big fan of language, history and media, and used to be able to speak semi (scratch that, quasi)-fluent German.

Wiki Pet Peeve Numero Uno: Going onto the page of a work I really like and seeing it covered in nothing but ZCEs, Conversation in the Main Page, Justifying Edits, random negativity and more because it hasn't had a deep cleaning since 2011. Seriously, Friday Night Lights is a series very close to my heart and that page makes me want to hurl. DO BETTER.

Pages I have saved from being terrible stubs:

Tropes created (In alphabetical order):

Work pages created:

Other pages created:

  • Helldivers II (Recap Page) (I sort of spontaneously had the idea to write up the record of the Second Galactic War as a softly in-universe After-Action Report, which would be very in-character for Super Earth, and I cannot express how much joy it brings me that others have caught on and are contributing.)
  • Patapon(Character page)(You would think someone would have made this back in 2009 when the series was alive and kicking, but oh well)
