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Tropers / Oxydised Moron

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As a result of severe boredom and stiff, cold fingers that need some movement, this troper will dutifully type out a page detailing all the wonderful things about themselves, ranging from complete banality to violent bland statement of facts.

An avid obsessor of Douglas Adams and Doctor Who, she can probably be found lurking various things from the Gallifrey pages to Let's Play pages, adding her two cents here and there when she feels sufficiently pissed off that no one else has.

Her journey started with having discovered TV Tropes from several friends spending a bleary night clicking into the morning, and soon found herself in the same trap, and hasn't stopped clicking since. Probably around the time she was adding furiously to the Crowning Music of Awesome pages (mainly to point that anyone who didn't like the soundtrack for Pushing Daisies or Green Wing was a complete cad and should be shot), felt that if she was going to dreg up every piece of soundtrack she found amazing ever, then she might as well get an account instead of doing it anonymously.

A contradictory bookworm in mostly every way in that she has read an vast variety of books but according to some tests, apparently has completely failed to comprehend what the hell she was reading, so that's the majority of her childhood completely wasted.

She has a hard time translating a very simple thought into very simple words and tends towards opinionated but completely indecisive.

Other than a fervid love for British humour and science fiction, she also has a soft spot for quirky, wordy, and intelligent shows (which might explain a great deal about the obvious love of Mr. Stephen Fry), you know, the type that FOX has a hard time keeping around. On the top of a very, very long list would be Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, anything Bryan Fuller has/is/will write, Life on Mars, Firefly, and Doctor Who, although she is beginning to highly doubt if the latter should stay up there, as each new episode slowly begins to gnaw at everything she ever loved about it. It's best not to get into an argument about Steven Moffat with her because all she will say is that he is a prat. Though Doctor Who is an obsession ingrained so deeply that it would need professionals to extract it from her blood stream.

She ships a lot.

And likes video games despite being inherently bad at them.

She is also an atheist.
