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Tropers / Lurker 2

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'''Six lives,' Mom repeated.

But I had been trying to save seven.''' - Dan Wells, Mr Monster

Lurker 2 has lurked on Tvtropes for a long time, quitly watching from the shadows… [insert Evil laughter here], before finally making the plunge and joining tvtropes, were he intends to lurk too, only very occasionally making edits. He has a deviantART page as well, which you might want to check out.

A casual fan of fanfiction, he has occasionally dabbled in writing some himself, only to discover that his ideas, while original, simply weren’t workable. Now he contends himself with just reading, trying to make his first cosplay, which involves learning to sew, and drawing. I have no idea what the etiquette is when it comes to tropes transplanted from troperwall to here, but for the sake of consistency I am making it all first person.


Absent-Minded Professor: Sometimes. Minus the 'casually invents awesome stuff' and the genius part.

Adorkable: Can apparently be this.

AM/FM Characterization: Music plays a strong role in my life.

Ask a Stupid Question...:...And get a incredibly sarcastic, sometimes even biting answer.

Allergic to Routine: Might be this. The thought of staying at the same company for more then three years is a nightmare to me - I have no idea how others do it. I have to be doing something, anything, all the goddamn time. Although the what can vary from watching series to making cosplays to reading schoolbooks out of boredom.

Cosplay Otaku Boy

Biology Geek

Bi The Way: Actually pansexsual tho (or rather, pansexsual until I have figured out my actual orientation).

British Humour: Like this, especially shows like Blackadder, Monty Python and Wallace and Gromit

Brilliant, but Lazy: Not lazy, just to used to coasting by on intelligence alone.

Clueless Chick-Magnet: May be this. I have heard people are in love with me and everyone can see it except me. Apparently I have that 'helpless nerd thing' going for me. Plus, a certain charming honesty.

Creature of Habit: Can be this. Just a little bit.

Deadpan Snarker

Eating Lunch Alone: try to do this at school, but its practically impossible. UPDATE: have long since given that up. Not at school anymore. Nowadays I sometimes even like other people’s company!

Enraged by Idiocy

Determinator: I wouldn’t usually consider myself this, but enough others do to add it.

Grammar Nazi: Tend to come of as this.

I Gave My Word:...and am practically bound by it, even at great personal discomfort. Which is why I don't promise easily.

Literalist Snarking: Tend to do this.

Mathematician's Answer: Like those too. Frequently a answer to stupid questions.

Metalhead: Particularly a fan of Metallica, Iron maiden and other 'retrometal'

Never Gets Fat : No matter what I eat or how much or little I do.

Prankster: Want to be this, but never get the opportunity. Even thought a real prankster would just find opportunities

Sarcastic Devotee: I am this in spades, despite the complications it gives.

Saw "Star Wars" Twenty-Seven Times: This my aim. All of them.

Snark-to-Snark Combat: Likes this, to a certain extend.

Stepford Snarker

The Snark Knight

Too Much Alike: Seems to happen often in (platonic) relations between other people and me.

The Quiet One: I' m this usually, but I can talk hours about subjects that interest me.

Tranquil Fury: Oh man. You do not want to make me mad. Fortunately, that takes a lot.

Undying Loyalty: Once you' ve got it, that is. Will Not Tella Lie

Things that interest me:
