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Tropers / Katarani

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Katarani is the Spear Counterpart to another troper with a single letter missing from her name. Except that he isn't, really.

Another thing he should not be confused for is a katamari. And by no means should you read his name as Katarina.

Who Katarani really is, however, is a troper with a penchant for Natter, Wiki Words, This Troper abuse, and serial tweaking. He's trying to get better on that last one, though, honest! But basically, he is the worst troper ever and you should be glad that he has, for the most part, moved on from the site. (Do we have a "Your Life Will Ruin TV Tropes" page? Sounds like a good alternate title for "This is what NOT to do as a troper") He is a former MSTer and currently RPs on LiveJournal with fangirls considerably younger than him. Twenty-eight years old and with a five-year old daughter that is quite blatantly driving him insane, he has also been cursed with an incredibly short attention span, causing him to jump from subject to... wait, what were we talking about?

This, along with an overly trope-focused mind, means that he will go on editing sprees of whatever game and/or anime is currently on his radar. Notable pages he's contributed to in such madcap sprees include, in no particular order, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor, Shining Force, Spelunky, and the Mario And Luigi games, as well as Digimon Savers. His most recent obsessions are that one show about ponies, Regular Show, and Labyrinth of Touhou.

Due to constant exposure to them, he's also worked on pages for children's shows, such as Dora The Explorer, Word Girl, Special Agent Oso, and, much to his chagrin, Spongebob Squarepants.

Long-term loves/fandoms include the Touhou Project, the Ivalice Alliance, Pokemon as a whole (but mostly the game-centered canons), Rhythm Heaven, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Vocaloid music, Slayers, and Youtube Poop. He's also a fan of Japanese shows that involve a lot of physical fitness and/or suffering; he's a longtime watcher of Ninja Warrior, Unbeatable Banzuke, and Takeshis Castle and its Gag Dub equivalent, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.

Has a love/hate relationship with Sonic The Hedgehog, mostly due to past negative experiences with fandom and Fan Dumb alike. Mentioning Glee, DESU NOTEUH, or Hentalia around him is the quickest way to get hateful glares.

Is a Something Awful goon and dabbling Lets Player; he's currently (very slowly) working on a runthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics A 2 there with another goon.

And as a final moment of zen:

Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire. Except for the HOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE.
